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Marketing Checkpoint

Lankford Enterprise

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About Lankford Enterprise

  • Birthday 07/14/1954

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  • Location
    Greenbelt, Maryland
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    Learn how to receive 16 Bitcoin per month for a one time fee.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, I tried it paid and free. I though it was just me! Very disappointing and an inbox full of ads! Plus you have to login to their website to stop the emails from coming in. Another waste of time. As Denzel Washington once said: "Never confuse doing a lot with getting a lot done!"
  2. Wow...I didn't realize you could create an entire webpage with this system. Well done! I looked at cryptonaire and it seems pretty straight forward as another stream of bitcoin income.
  3. Earn with us... .04 Bitcoin can lead to 16 Bitcoins per month. No Risk! I really like the support provided in this system. You are responsible to bring in two people and help them get to receiving 16 btc a month. Take a look and let me know what you think.
  4. Wow! I thought it was just me. I've been with Herculist for a long time. Off and on as a Pro member. Even tried to read thousands of those emails to get the credits but nothing happened. And yes, I get all of those emails in my inbox and tend to delete them in bulk. So I guess that what everybody is doing. No more money. and time to let it go. Deg.
  5. I got involved in bitcoin way back in April when Bitcoin was a measely 1200.00. Today it's 4300+ and on the rise. The organization I joined back in April went belly up but I was determined to find a way to leverage my bitcoin collection. That's when I discovered BTCFlood. Here you can learn to get 16 bitcoin per month. This is a no opt in site that tells you all about it. Go to http://greatoverview.com for all the details. Then if you're interested my join link and contact info is in my signature. Thanks! Be Free and Prosper, Kevin Lankford http://Tinyurl.com/BTCWizard lankfordenterprise@gmail.com
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