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Marketing Checkpoint


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    Ah mostly outdoors stuff - love nature and spend as much time outside as I can. Love reading, blogging, learning, helping others and having as many mini adventures as possible! For more about me stuff feel free to check out my blog!

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Ummm Maryanne are you talking about me being a bot or using paid sign ups by any chance? Because neither is true. I used a paid ad on a site with millions of members where people want to learn how to promote. That got me a lot of referrals... If you would like to see a screenshot of the ad I'd be happy to provide it.
  2. I looked at it too but not joined for the same reason lol! Also the memberships option means I didn't want to opt for the small pack and loose out.
  3. Ok so what is it you are wanting to do? Have you registered on prosperity and not sure what to do next?
  4. Thanks Clare, yes I am trying to work around it by doing exactly that. I saw on another site there was a notice saying don't let account balance drop under $100 as a suggestion.... not sure I fancy that due to the 180 day hold you mention. That being said if it is to come I guess I will cope!
  5. Hi Maryanne, thanks for the reply! They really are giving themselves a bad name right now and well I always say what goes around comes around.... they are a nightmare and so people will flock elsewhere when great options become available. Too big for their boots it seems, but even the mighty can fall
  6. Thanks Tommie and Clare much appreciated!
  7. Hi everyone! After spending a lot of time using the tracker on LeadsLeap I have just discovered that it is not mobile friendly. Not too happy about showing mobile ad viewers a blank page so now on the hunt for a new tracker. Preferably one that can be used with a single link and a /sitename added without having to save a new one each time. Any suggestions? Many Thanks!
  8. Agree completely that traffic is the lifeblood for our businesses. It does need to be good traffic though and I do advise always tracking hits to check results. By doing this I have avoided some expensive time wasting!
  9. Thanks Darren! Loving the blog - just discovered it
  10. Hi all! Just wondering if there is any knowledge around how to avoid the paypal ban? As much as I hate them loosing my account would cause a lot of restrictions for me. Have already joined others so don't need recommendations or anything, would just prefer not to have to deal with a ban if I can avoid it. Many Thanks!
  11. What is it you want help with Breakin Ground?
  12. Hey there everyone! Am loving the look of this forum and really looking forward to getting to know you all better. A little about me: I have been marketing for several years now and always happy to pass on my knowledge. Very happy to keep learning from others who know a lot more than me however Working online has changed my life. It has allowed me to build an income despite major health issues and I love every minute. Its given me back the self respect that I lost when the job I worked and studied for years to do was taken away... It also allows me to spend much of my time in nature with my much loved Molly Moo (woofer). Would love to hear a little about you! Ellie
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