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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Laur

  1. A new text and banner ad exchange by Peter Turner. Get responsive traffic to your business for free: Use Promo code realityaffiliate to get 25K text and and 25kbanner ad views If you join, then check out downline builder as there you find many exclusive Promo Codes for Darren Olander's mailers, Ivan Golemdzhiyski's mailers, Marty Petrizza's mailers, Kenny and Sammy Kolijn's sites plus for many other sites. Join Realityaffiliate here
  2. Have you already used the option to get solos for purchasing a WSO from Dawud's bonus page? I just purchased a $10 WSO yesterday and got 150 solos at all ETG sites, a total of 3600.
  3. I agree that it's a very clever strategy, and even if marketers promote their money-making offers up-front, they need to promote their traffic sites to downlines to cover their traffic costs.
  4. Haven't promoted my own page yet, but I'll give it a try.
  5. I guess I have to try Facebook advertising groups, have posted there only few times. But how do you get members to join your own groups? And how you post links on FB advertising groups to avoid getting links banned, do you f.e. use bit.ly?
  6. Posted my ad on about 15 sites and got 1 signup from captkirk's site. Ads are getting clicks. Always when I see somebody promoting their FFADragon site, I post my ad on it. It's really great new free ad site.
  7. Laur

    Introduce yourself

    Hi, welcome to the forum and good luck with your business!
  8. Hello, I would like to try out some business social networks like IBOToolbox and APSense, are they working for your business and are you getting traffic that converts? Or you can name some more networks. Thanks!
  9. Welcome to the forum! You can also check out the mailer section to get more exposure for your business.
  10. Laur

    Introduce yourself

    Welcome to the forum! I guess we all learn from this forum despite of experience
  11. I have used banner ads with Easyhits4u, these have worked for me because they got quite a lot of impressions per day (about 800 imp. per banner) and conversions were good. It was already several years ago and not sure how fast now impressions are delivered. Text ads and surf sites did not work for me.
  12. Haven't used Worldprofit's paid services yet, but it's latest addition Free Classifieds is very good.
  13. It's a good and responsive site and just earned a free upgrade
  14. Inetersting program, but where from the traffic will come?
  15. Have you tried submission with the free software they offer?
  16. It depends on the business you are promoting, what niche you have?
  17. Laur


    Hi, welcome to the forum!
  18. I use Wordpress too. It's correct that creating a money-making blog that is getting a lot of traffic takes a lot of time and it's not for everyone. There are other ways to get traffic too. Still having a blog is good for every internet marketer, there are some things you just can't write in email.
  19. It's a good advice, since marketers who are lacking confidence or experience can be easily distracted and they may buy another "shiny object". It's always good to focus on building existing business since it gives an experience of consistent building.
  20. I recently promoted Dave Mosher's Instantpaydownlinebuilder (DLB for instant pay mailers), got 8 signups to it, but in downline builder 1st mailer got 1 and 2nd mailer 3 signups. Other mailers got 0 signups. If the DLB is within a mailer/TAE then the signup ratio is obviously even lower. So filling out DLB is reasonable only if you promote some traffic site heavily and get 10++ signups. Of course you may get occasional signups to DLB sites even with 1 referral but filling out them "just in case" takes too much time and is very boring at least for me
  21. Every business wants to expand and his business model to launch many sites and give away ads has helped him to get more members and earn more money. Of course, click rates have dropped, compared to the time when he had just 5 sites (now 24 that enable solo ads) but his sites are still my #1 source of subscribers (as a network of sites). So the traffic quality is still good, I guess the reason is, he has built a very strong personal brand and it makes some pre-selling work on behalf of advertisers.
  22. How many visitors your gig will deliver? I have sold only few gigs, backlink submissions, but after Google updates they became useless..
  23. Very good and responsive site so far for me, admin is doing great job keeping members active.
  24. I am getting on average about 30 clicks per mailing to one group. It's not a 100% precise number, but too wrong too.
  25. Tried it out and sent mailing. Definitely interesting, how it will perform for me.
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