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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by moby04

  1. You just install mobile app as it's the main tool to manage your account (there's no web interface in fact), order virtual card to get the number and that's pretty much it: whenever/wherever you're asked for card details you just enter the number from Revolut. However it's good to get the plastic as well (very cheap one time payment) - I use it on a daily basis especially since I moved from Poland to Germany. I top up with Euro, exchange to any currency I want (including EUR -> PLN for some saving account) and pay everywhere... oh, and all ATMs are free both in Germany and Poland so I assume in other countries as well.
  2. Udimi is totally different subject as I cannot register there for some reason... Could you send a help request to them for me?
  3. I already have trial at GetResponse (that why I asked about those variables) but AWeber requires me to enter my card details to sign up for trial which not something I'm very comfortable with...
  4. I am about to pick some autoresponder for my projects... Basically I came to choose between GetResponse and Aweber because they seem to offer best integration (at least with ventures I choosed) but I have a few questions/ideas (not necessarily connected to these specific) before final decision. 1. What the actual difference between autoresponder and newsletter in such services? Seriously, it seem like both offer to select the delay in sending but I don't see anything that would differ those two terms... 2. Is it possible to set up some campaign based variables in those services? For instance I'd like to put some urls into variable that I could update whenever I want without going through the whole campaign... In GetResponse it seems like custom fields are always connected with contacts and the support suggest to create it and update API requests to set the same value for all new prospects... that's not too effective. How about AWeber? 3. Is it possible to set an automated migration of prospect between lists? I'd like to set a "venture based" series of emails that would last for, let's say, a month but I can assume that someone after this time won't signup for that specific venture. On the other hand I'd like to have a "default" list for all the prospects from such timed campaigns so I'd like to set a rule that after X days in campaign/list A is moved to campaign/list B. Is it possible from the panel of these services? 4. Can I easily import/export whole campaign with all the emails assigned to it in case I'd like to move from one autoresponder to another? In "perfect world" I shouldn't need it but just in case I'd like to have an option...
  5. I haven't seen the Paypal debit card in my panel in fact. But anyway, it's not the good choice because my Paypal account uses PLN as default currency and exchange rates from/to USD are quite bad in fact at Paypal. And for some reason I cannot switch it to USD for good... Anyway though, I found Revolut with free virtual card and quite cheap plastic if needed. Seems fine so far.
  6. I am active in quite a few ventures... in fact, I'm still on the experimenting phase before focusing on a few most promising ones. Anyway I already know I'm going to need a few payment processors (Paypal, Payeer, Payza) since I am receiving income from them. Also, I am willing to go deep with one option that offers only credit card for payments... So I thought about getting a prepaid card (probably virtual one) that I could top up from all above-mentioned processors as a main "hub" for my online ventures. What would you suggest for this purpose? The requirements are quite simple: - ability to top-up from major payment processors (especially Paypal and Payza since I could resign of Payeer) - online payments straight from the card - cheap - main currency would be USD but would be beneficial to be able to convert to different currencies cheap (in my case PLN probably) - used mostly for virtual payments but maybe would consider getting actual plastic at some point once the income grows For now I am receiving about $100 a month but I believe it should start growing soon.
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