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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by equilibria

  1. Just thought I would revisit this thread after all these months... I keep reading online about RocketResponder subscribers not even being able to use the service. I keep reading about people getting charged after canceling their account. Nothing's really changed except this... https://twitter.com/RocketResponder Last tweet on Twitter was October 2018. No updates. That shouldn't be too surprising. https://twitter.com/timlinden Tim Linden is now Grass Daddy on YouTube... He's trying to become a YouTuber. No mention of RocketResponder at all but he still mentions God. LOL. https://twitter.com/justinledvina Nothing mentioned about RocketResponder from this Dude either. https://twitter.com/Jon_G_Olson No mention of RocketResponder. From everything I can see? They've certainly abandoned their product YET they still leave it up and take people's money. Nice guys. If you search Twitter? I've also seen some affiliates asking about getting paid. Oops. Specifically? Has anyone gotten paid recently? Oops. Last but not least? I thought this was also interesting... http://affgadgets.com/rocketresponder Read these reviews! Except for the bad reviews that are obviously bad? All these reviews are SHILL REVIEWS. And of course, this shows up as the number one result on Google for: rocketresponder reviews Still doing God's work I see... equilibria
  2. So yes... I'm no longer with RocketResponder but since I cancelled my account and filed a complaint with the FBI? I've received several emails from RocketResponder.com alerting me to the fact that they are NO LONGER able to charge my credit card. LOL. Really? After all this? They're obviously still trying to charge me. Additionally? When I first signed up for their service, I also decided to become an affiliate. I'm just glad I never tried to actually promote them. Anyway... Over the last several days? RocketResponder.com has been sending out emails letting its affiliates know that they are currently changing over to the ShareASale affiliate network. There is NO WAY they could be doing this automatically with prescheduled autoresponders, right? So that means that this company is STILL UP AND RUNNING and taking people's $20 a month. I'm really appalled. They can notify their affiliates about a network change because well HEY... THAT MAKES THEM MONEY. But they cannot answer OPEN SUPPORT TICKETS or EMAILS asking them technical or questions. I for one am glad to be rid of them. equilibria P.S. RocketResponder.com has NEVER responded to my ORIGINAL TICKET. Maybe they think they don't have to now since I am no longer with them. All I can say is this... If you're looking for an autoresponder service? Be wary about RocketResponder.com.
  3. Another update... LOL. I actually received a reply from RocketResponder.com's Support Ticket system. They said I could log into my account -- then into 'Billing' and cancel my subscription. I'll be honest with you... I already knew I could do this. I just wanted to SEE if someone would finally respond to me and they did but ONLY after I told them I had already filed an Internet Fraud complaint with the FBI which I did actually do. When I sent that new email to support@rocketresponder.com, I also made sure I sent carbon copies to the following email addresses: justin@rocketresponder.com tim@rocketresponder.com jon@rocketresponder.com As of 0100 this morning -- July 10th, 2018 -- I logged in and cancelled my subscription VIA the 'Billing' link on the left hand side of their screen. Let's see IF that actually does in fact CANCEL my subscription NEXT MONTH. LOL. Because IF it does NOT? I will be filing an additional Internet Fraud complaint with the FBI. PROMISE. All I can say to anyone out there still subscribed to RocketResponder.com is that IF you're experiencing any PROBLEMS with your autoresponder and or optin forms? Login to your account and try to add a Gmail email address. This is what happens to me EVERY TIME I TRY TO ADD ONE: If this is happening to you? You'll have to decide if paying $20 a month for an autoresponder is ACTUALLY worth it when you'll never be able to add a subscriber who utilizes a Gmail email address. With over 1 Billion active email Gmail accounts? I decided to go with a different autoresponder. In addition? Many members of RocketResponder.com cannot get their optin forms to work... If you're using RocketResponder.com as your autoresponder, you owe it to yourself to try entering a Gmail address into the live optin form you're currently using. If you're like the rest of us? You'll get redirected back to RocketResponder.com's auto-generated optin form for your list with an error message telling you that you used an invalid email address. My guess is that most of you using RocketResponder.com might not even know you're having a problem... All you have to do is try adding a Gmail address like in the image above to see if you do have a problem. If you don't care that you can't add any Gmail addresses? No worries. Keep using RocketResponder.com and be happy. If RocketResponder.com fixes this problem AND starts replying to OPEN support tickets (they still haven't replied to my first one) AND REFUNDS members their monthly charges when they knew they couldn't add Gmail addresses to their list(s)? You still need to decide if this is a company you want to keep giving your money to... Good luck, equilibra
  4. I just filed my fraud complaint over at: https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx Please make no mistake... I did NOT file this complaint just for myself. I keep finding out other members are experiencing the same kinds of problems I'm experiencing with RocketResponder.com. All these members have also opened support tickets to ZERO RESPONSES from RocketResponder.com. Even their toll free number does not allow you to leave a message and most of the time? It's just BUSY. I filed this fraud complaint in an attempt to get RocketResponder.com's three founders: Justin Ledvina, Tim Linden, and Jon Olson to get off their complacent behinds and make good on their services. All you guys have to do is SHUT DOWN ROCKETRESPONDER.COM or start replying to support tickets with some ANSWERS and REFUNDS. If you do NOT start conducting business the way business should be conducted? Then you're liable for fraud, plain and simple. I urge you to take this thread SERIOUSLY and resolve all problems with RocketResponder.com by the time the FBI begins its investigation and yes, I did supply all your contact information in the complaint. Good luck, equilibria
  5. It's NOW been 14 days since I opened my support ticket with RocketResponder.com with absolutely ZERO RESPONSE back from ANYONE. Today, my debit card was charged again. It turns out that I now have to cancel my card and get a new one reissued with a new card number. No worries... I didn't cancel the card yet today because I have several other monthly charges automatically paid with that card so now I have to make a list and wait for them all to get paid this month and then call my bank back and have the card cancelled. The dispute that I created back on the 29th of June didn't keep the July charge from occurring. NO PROBLEM. But I do want to reiterate HERE that all that has to be done by ANY or ALL of the THREE FOUNDERS of RocketResponder.com would be to make good on all support requests. Stop charging members' cards until they either resolve the problems with their autoresponder or shut down their business NOW. Since I was charged again today? I'm filing a fraud complaint with the FBI since I have nothing better to do here. I hope Justin Ledvina, Tim Linden, and Jon Olson are ready to do business with them instead. I urge anyone who believes they've been involved in a fraudulent transaction with RocketResponder.com to file a complaint with the FBI here: https://www.ic3.gov/default.aspx equilibria
  6. It's now been 11 days since I opened my support desk ticket with RocketResponder with absolutely zero response from them. The good news is that my bank somehow managed to get a refund from June's charge to my card so that was $20 less than they got from me. Justin Ledvina, Tim Linden, and Jon Olson should be ASHAMED of themselves... Especially, Tim Linden Follower of Christ. LOL. And yes... He put out a tweet on Twitter July 4th but he can't be bothered to respond to support tickets. equilibria
  7. Thanks for letting us know! It's now been 9 days since I've opened my support ticket with RocketResponder with absolutely no replies. I am going to keep this thread UPDATED. And obviously zero response to my request to cancel my subscription. equilibria
  8. I guess I got lucky... My bank managed to somehow keep them from charging my card again. It took a half hour on the phone with them but in the end, I didn't have to get a new card. You're right, this is fraud. As soon as Jon Olson said he couldn't do anything about this? He basically said HE DOESN'T CARE WHAT OUR PROBLEMS ARE. I read that sure... He handles the marketing side of things but as ONE of RocketResponder's FOUNDERS, you would think he'd get on the phone with someone or send an email to someone and get this resolved -- like he apparently did earlier in this thread. The fact that he CHOOSES NOT to do ANYTHING NOW does make me believe they are going to MILK their members for as many monthly charges as they can until a certain percentage eventually figure out they have abandoned RocketResponder. equilibria
  9. Another update... No response to my ongoing support ticket. Absolutely NOTHING and it has NOW been SIX DAYS. No response to my RocketResponder CANCELLATION REQUEST either. I found all the founders' RocketResponder email addresses and sent them all emails... NOTHING. I will never get involved with anything any of these three guys develop ever again... This is NOT how you do business with people that have instilled enough faith in you and your company to pay you a monthly fee for your services. Do you hear me Justin Ledvina, Tim Linden, and Jon Olson? equilibria
  10. I was VERY MUCH SURPRISED to read your response from Jon Olson especially after having gone through this thread... I really thought the problem was going to be resolved which is why I added to it here. Seriously, when I read what he told you? I was STUNNED. I've been all through their site... Read a lot of their blog. Learned a lot from all of that and just FELT good about them. Till today. Thanks again, Darren. Much appreciated. equilibria P.S. Still ZERO response to my open ticket from RocketResponder.
  11. Just got off the phone with my bank... Took awhile but no further charges will allowed by RocketResponder.com to my credit card. NOW TO GO SPREAD THE WORD... This is what happens when you decide NOT to make good on your promises. equilibria
  12. I am currently on the telephone with my bank... Seeing if they can keep RocketResponder.com from charging my credit card in the future. equilibria
  13. Just sent an email to support@rocketresponder to CANCEL MY SUBSCRIPTION effective IMMEDIATELY. Let's see if they answer THAT support ticket. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but if this is the way they are going to do business? I WANT NO PART OF THEM. equilibria
  14. Just called their toll free number... It is INDEED RocketResponder but the message says that if you want to talk to anyone or cancel your subscription, just send an email to support@rocketresponder.com which of course we ALL KNOW simply redirects us to https://timtechsupport.com and simply OPENS a NEW support desk ticket that NOBODY responds to. This feels more and more shady... I guess I will CANCEL my subscription after all because even if and when they FINALLY get back to me? This is NO WAY TO RUN AN ONLINE BUSINESS. And NO OFFENSE to your buddy Jon Olson but he CANNOT DO ANYTHING? LOL. Of course he can. He can call the other FOUNDERS up RIGHT NOW and tell them to get these issues RESOLVED. He's simply passing the buck while taking our money. Well that's IT for ME. equilibria
  15. So... Based on WHAT YOU ARE TELLING ME, it SOUNDS like RocketResponder is NO LONGER WORKING. Interesting. GOOD TO KNOW. But still... As one of the FOUNDERS and having seen his other responses in this thread? He should be getting on the telephone to get this resolved. What kind of business are they running? It also sounds like it's going to be very difficult to CANCEL my subscription IF nobody is working their support desk tickets. I've already NOT heard from ANYONE in 5 days so if I cancel TODAY, I am sure they will charge me again in July since they are NOT responding to emails. I just found an toll free number for them: 1-877-244-3581 Let's see what kind of damage I can do with it. Thanks, equilibria
  16. Still no reply to my open support ticket from RocketResponder. In about 3 or 4 hours, it will have been 5 days since I opened the ticket.
  17. I read that but was interested in how it was not working correctly. I appreciate the help. equilibria
  18. Hey... I'm just NOW reading this. I somehow missed it when I created my own response to this thread. How was your optin form performing correctly? Just curious if it's because it's not accepting Gmail addresses as subscribers? As you can read from my lengthy reply below... This is what I am currently experiencing. Would be curious if OTHERS are experiencing it too. Thanks, equilibria
  19. I created this account simply to add to this thread because it seems that the people connected with RocketResponder tend to keep up with this thread even though they do NOT respond to OPEN SUPPORT TICKETS. I've been paying for RocketResponder for months because I knew eventually, I would start using it. I've had other autoresponders... GetResponse. Aweber. I've even hosted -- and still do -- host my own autoresponder scripts on my server. I'd read nothing but good things about RocketResponder and so for $20 a month, I figured, what the hell... I signed up -- created my account. So far so good. I even created some tests during my 30 Day Free Trial just to see IF RocketResponder delivered everything they'd promised and? It appeared that they had. So far so good... Again. Now, 4 days ago I began a new endeavor online and figured RocketResponder would be perfect for this... Went inside and created a new list. After that, I created a confirmation email. After that, I created one followup test email. All that went smoothly. Then I tried to SUBSCRIBE to that new list with my own email address which is a Gmail address. The optin form I created based on RocketResponder's automatically generated optin form was very similar and I've been doing this for over 25 years. In other words, I know how to create an optin form with all the correct fields. My own created optin form didn't work... Of course, I figured I screwed something up with the coding but upon completion of troubleshooting, I couldn't find anything wrong. Next? The automatically created form didn't work. It would not subscribe the email address. Instead, I was sent to a page that told me I had used an invalid email address. LOL. It was the same Gmail address I've used forever in one of my businesses in fact, this Gmail address is one of the first batches of Gmail addresses obtained through invitations from when Gmail was first created by Google. I should at this time make note that all I use are Gmail addresses except for my very first email address I created when the Internet first became the Internet... LOL. That was a Yahoo email address that I still use today. All my other email addresses are Gmail addresses and YES... I am going somewhere with this which is WHY I am being VERY EXPLANATORY in this thread. So I tried Gmail address after Gmail address and none of them worked. After trying to subscribe with each and every one of them, I was sent to a page that kept telling me I was using an Invalid Email Address. I was definitely confused as to what I was doing wrong. I'd used RocketResponder before when I'd first signed up and everything had gone SMOOTHLY. So what the hell? I tried my own optin form and when that didn't work, I tried their automatically created optin form. When that didn't work, I used the email address they create for your list to send emails to so you can subscribe via email. That didn't work. Last but not least I tried what they call their Simple Method optin form and that didn't work. From there, I tried changing the name of my list and that didn't work. At that point, I opened up a support ticket and that was 4 days ago. In the past 4 days, there has been zero response about my open ticket from RocketResponder. I've even constantly ADDED to that open ticket to keep them up to date on what I've discovered. And? Here's what I did discover... It occurred to me to ATTEMPT to add a subscriber MANUALLY to the list just to see what would happen and THIS is why I am adding to this thread... When I tried to add ANY Gmail address (one was brand new that had just been created) I received the following message at the top of the platform: Error: Banned Email Address That's copied and pasted directly from RocketResponder to this thread. I tried at least 20 completely different Gmail addresses and EACH ONE received the SAME RESPONSE: Error: Banned Email Address So my question... How could a brand new Gmail address be banned? Well let's be honest. IT CAN'T BE because it hadn't even existed before giving it a try. So that MUST mean all Gmail addresses are BANNED EMAIL ADDRESSES and if THAT is true? Then RocketResponder is basically worthless at this point as would be ANY autoresponder that does not allow Gmail addresses to subscribe. From what I've read? Gmail maintains a consistently high marketshare of ACTIVE EMAIL ADDRESSES... Apparently, over 1 BILLION NOW. Almost everyone I know uses it. https://www.statista.com/statistics/547531/e-mail-provider-ranking-consumer-usa-age/ https://www.techradar.com/news/best-email-provider https://emailclientmarketshare.com/ https://www.salesforce.com/blog/2014/10/gmail-moves-to-2-in-email-client-market-share.html So while I do actually LOVE and am IMPRESSED by RocketResponder... Meaning its price and ease of use... I am not impressed with my not being able to get a Gmail address to subscribe to my list. But hold on... I do NOT want to cancel my membership. The ONLY REASON I am ON HERE writing all this down is just so I can get a FRIGGIN' response from SOMEONE connected or who represents RocketResponder. Guys... Support tickets should never take MORE than 48 hours to respond to. Yet? In this very same thread, I see that this seems to be a consistent factor with RocketResponder. Guys... If you no longer allow your RocketResponder generated autoresponders to accept Gmail address subscribers? You had and or have a duty to tell all your members way before now. Guys... If this is just a glitch of some kind? How about FIXING it so we can get on with our business? I'll STICK with YOU until you tell me Gmail addresses cannot subscribe to our autoresponders but seriously... This LACK of response is a terrible way to do business. equilibra
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