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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by elizabeta

  1. ty
  2. Hi I am starting new TE site and I need some tips what games or rewards to include in. Any advice I will appreciate. Do you give rewards only to upgraded or both-even free? I want to do something that will attract visitors to want them upgrade-.......
  3. Hello everyone here My name is Elizabeta and I come from Slovenia. I have been online for several years as a member and for 2 years I am involved as an owner. At this point, I am in preparing new traffic site but still looking my direction with it. I love that forum and I believe I will find great advice here. Great to be here
  4. Hi all I must say that in some cases splashes works better-eye catching get the attraction But as getting leads and build a team or trust capture pages are really great-but I think not just any capture pages. I have been tested several autoresponders and several sites to create capture pages as well. As we know not everything works for everybody. You just need to what fit for you the best.
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