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Marketing Checkpoint

Jeff M.

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Jeff M. last won the day on December 20 2023

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  1. hi Jeff M is this the same Jeff McC***** on submitads?  just wondering hope im not bothering you~

  2. BBB update https://www.bbb.org/us/fl/winter-garden/profile/internet-marketing-services/webs-best-marketing-0733-90416166/complaints
  3. Thank you so much for this info, I'm on it, also if anyone has other links either on this site or others showing complaints of his scamming you or others please reply and post the links here. I will consolidate them into one page. I sent him the link to this a couple years ago asking him about and also of course for leverage, so I'm most certain he is linked to this forum with an alias.
  4. He owed me $3500 from 2017 being a half partner in whatworks4me a site that still has never really launched, 50 plus emails, text and phone calls later, finally about a year ago I received $100 from him which was supposed to repeat weekly. I can't get a response from him at all now. HE OWES ME $3400 I'm through contacting him. I'm PISSED! I've decided to spend money on advertising to reveal the true Matthew Graves so others do not get scammed by this scum bag. Let's pull together to come up with the best plan of attack, Who's with me ?
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