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Marketing Checkpoint

Daniel Rodgers

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About Daniel Rodgers

  • Birthday 02/03/1953

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Orlando, FL
  • Interests
    Welcome - Glad to have like minded people here -
    All of us doing the same thing at the same time - IMPROVING

    If you haven't found something to work for you as of yet - I have found
    something that has caused me to temporarily shut down everything else
    and just work on this: Please feel free to take a look - it may be something you
    can add to your existing business or find a way to advance your business -
    There are so many tools in here that you may be paying for separately right
    now that you may be shocked plus the following
    Playing chess and walks in the park - anything to do with nature

Daniel Rodgers's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. http://yourpartnernow.com/image/NOTETOSELF.png
  2. http://yourpartnernow.com/images/UBUNTU.png Better to Be Together
  3. Thanks just joined under you Looks Great!
  4. Hey !!! Another person to watch out for is Sterling Valentine. He was once it seemed to be pretty good. Then he put out a program that didn't exist and never gave the money back. Then he claimed he was sick - being sick didn't stop him from taking peoples money. Lost $300
  5. Hello MCP! Came on board at the beginning of the month just wanted to stop by and officially check in. I see this has been here awhile and I am surprised I never came across this site before. Guess better late then never applies here. One of the things I look for is longevity - so it appears that I have found that here. Hope to learn a lot. dannyny from Florida
  6. Hey Pip! Welcome and I just realized I never checked in - So my next step will be to go back and say hello! All the best
  7. No way to guarantee that anything is going to be here tomorrow. Life is tough in this internet marketing thing. Try to stay with folks that have lasting power like a couple of years. Every now and again got to take a chance.
  8. Yes has definitely stood the test of time. You didn't put your affiliate link in
  9. Wow - surprised to see how long this has been around. I have several of your sites and never seen this. Glad to be aboard!
  10. Yep - I had a couple of his sites - Will not get any site that uses payza - bad news for me
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