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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by caceytaylor

  1. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. That Stinks man. TRy non paying ones like 10khits, Hitsleap. They pay but you have to refer people. Many people upgrade in these programs to add a guaranteed traffic source to their sites. IT boosts article and blogs so they rise up in Google/Bing SERPS. When a person upgrades they receive traffic from multiple sources which makes the traffic legitamite.
  3. Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see. –Confucius
  4. I do not have any experience with CreateSpace however it soundls like you should win. If the content and book is yours than there is no reason they should tamper with it. Seems like there should be more to the story from the business perspective... From what you are describing it sounds like you should win by a landslide.
  5. Did you receive a virus from a safelist or something? If so do you have a program or list of safelist programs we should avoid?
  6. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu
  7. Pre-Launch Safelists are definitely awesome especially when they end up being in business for years and years. I have been using safelists on and off for years now and it amazes me the fast turnover for some of these companies. They launch a big pre-launch and then they are out of business in a few years or even months. Getting in early allows you to reap the benefits of a long term successful business. These owners do a lot of work building and promoting their safelist business (es) in order to supply a proven model of successful advertising. It allows people who do not have a list, have a list. If they supply a way for you to mail your downline even better. Now you can mail a bunch of helpful tools for your downline to build their businesses. This means you do not have to pay for hosting or anything like that. Everything is done for you. Getting in early allows you to get a downline underneath you who may utilize the business for years to come earning you long term commisions and credits as well. This means you have access to a program in which you upgrade for free and receive free credits, if they have this option, and basically have a free list that grows without the need of your contiuous advertising help unless you want more leads, commissions and credits.
  8. Great Question! I happen to beleive natural link building makes your websites rise higher while unnatural link building decreases it. Search engines know all the tricks and the only way to WOW! them is by doing something naturally that garners attention.
  9. Hi, I would just liek to introduce myself. Im here after seeing an ad on TrafficCodex.com for free Promo Codes for Safelists, Viral list makers, and Traffic Exchanges. I know sometimes these outlets sometimes get a bad testimony, but I must say you meet some of the most beautiful people in the world. This seems like a great place to hangout and reap some great internet marketing advice or just have some fun discussions.
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