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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by JohnArcher

  1. I'm sure my first sale online was on Ebay. It was a large Wolverine figure that I bought at ToyBiz for $10 and sold for $50. There were a few others, but I didn't do the Wash, Rinse and Repeat that is so very important. Consistency is so important and the money is in the followup. John
  2. I love all of the quotes I'm reading. My personal motto is GOYATMA Get Off Your Ass Take Massive Action John
  3. Amiliodore, I see that you only have one post. I truly hope you haven't given up. Or looked for another answer someplace else. Make a decision to stick it out. I have created my own personal mantra. GOYATMA... Get Off Your Ass Take Massive Action. And also FOCUS. I have made the decision to work my way through the forum and PMS with my promotional product to be my Business Consulting. Everything else will just have to wait for at least a few weeks. Hang in there, John
  4. Greetings and Salutations from Fort Lauderdale, I'm John and wound up here thanks to Jeff A. I'm working my way through the system and being that this forum is part of it, figured I would go ahead and join. I just signed up for the trial, and my immediate goal is to get a sale quickly in the next 7 days. For 2 reasons. First is Proof of Concept, and Second is to have my membership paid for. I'm in the process of setting up a Business Consulting business with my launch scheduled for February 1st. I'll work my way through the rest of the threads and steps of PMS in order to maintain momentum and focus. John
  5. I'm working my way through a few programs atm, PMS and this one. Working on my own primarily coaching launch in the next couple of weeks. So Greetings from Fort Lauderdale, FL. John
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