Like Darren wrote in his reply; the type of visitor traffic coming to blog is important. There are also other factors. Here are a few but there are many more... 1. The quality of your reviews. Blind reviews or do you purchase the products you are reviewing? 2.The type of marketing you are doing (ie; Email List, Viral Mailers (safelists), Traffic Exchange, Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. 3. Consistently working on SEO (search engine optimization) for your blog? 4. The market niche you are serving. Additionally, if your Clickbank account indicated that you had $2k in sales, and it disappeared, you should definitely contact Clickbank to learn more about the problem. Even with your scant results, you are still doing better than 80%-90% of marketers with one year experience. So congrats on that.