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Marketing Checkpoint

Gordon McQue

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Gordon McQue last won the day on April 12 2019

Gordon McQue had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    West of Scotland

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. #1 Clickbank Affiliate In The World Reveals... How To Make $1000+ Per Day Online With This Simple 3 Step System...Even If You Have ZERO Experience ​Learn how to make $1000's online at home without a website, email list or even a product. See how people just like you with no experience are making thousands a day with this simple method. Say goodbye to the 9-5 job and experience true freedom just like thousands of other people who followed the system. Learn the same exact techniques used by the #1 Clickbank affiliate in the world. Commission Hero - Free Training Regards, Gordon
  2. Make money just by giving away this report! We have a lucrative affiliate program that pays generous commissions, plus an opportunity to earn even more commissions in over 40 different high converting programs. Visit List Recon right now and discover how you can explode your income just by giving away our free ebook. Congratulations, you have Giveaway rights to This E-book! This product may be resold or given away at the purchaser's discretion provided that this product is distributed in its original form and not modified in any way. http://www.listrecon.com/?rid=18070
  3. Does anyone ever police these sites?
  4. Are you two just talking to yourselves, to increase your post count????? (Just upped mine by 1)
  5. Do people know where this Graves guy lives?
  6. This program can also be used for automated videos from RSS feeds, to upload with a pre-roll ad to You Tube No Websites To Build, No Traffic To Buy No Products To Source, No Clients To Find Passive Amazon Income on Autopilot What is YIVE? Your Instant Video Empire (YIVE) is an automated system to produce Product Review videos of products on Amazon. You choose keywords and/or ASINs and YIVE does the rest, pulling product data and reviews, building a video and live streaming it to YouTube. These videos send buyers to Amazon, and Amazon pays you cash. Why Product Review Videos? Buyers are searching for product review videos in their purchase journey. They will find your videos in this purchase journey and are directed to Amazon from your video to complete their purchase, earning you cash from Amazon through your associates link. Building success with any online business requires VOLUME. Producing 5 or 10 product review videos might make you a couple of dollars in income, but to really generate a passive income you need HUNDREDS of videos working each day to drive buyers to products. You Don't Need To Do All These Steps - YIVE Does All The Work For You! Sign-up link https://paykstrt.com/8452/40421 Regards, Gordon McQue
  7. I posted about not getting paid commissions for TE Profits a few months ago and no response from support - still none (and his sidekick's sites are no better).
  8. Not just me then - I was beginning to think I'd done something wrong. I'm a member of EmailXProfits, but there's not enough action to promote. Regards, Gordon
  9. Thanks Maryanne & Clare, I know I can deal in USD, but how is Uphold with GBP ? Gordon
  10. Hi All, I've decided I'll join a load of money transfer systems, just so I'm set-up. Today I joined Coin Payments and after sending a copy of my passport, I had to take a selfie whilst trying to get my passport in focus - took a few attempts, but I'm in and verified again. Regards, Gordon
  11. Yes Maryanne, the Authy thing! I get the 2FA stuff, but I lost track of which code I had to put into one web-site and which to put in my phone and downloading the programs to my phone and ............. Hopefully it's easier just to use Upload. Regards, Gordon
  12. Hi Captkirk, I'm thinking of joining ORU - do you want to fire me a message with your AL. Regards, Gordon
  13. Hi All, Took your advice above and joined up with Uphold yesterday. You do have to go thru' the hoops with the authentication thing, but I'm in and verified. Cheers, Gordon
  14. Hi All, Here's the latest from Traffic Wave :- Effective immediately, TrafficWave.net will no longer be partnering with PayPal as an online recurring payment option.Since 2000, in addition to providing high quality online marketing services, our business model has included a network marketing component to reward our member base for referrals to our system. In their ongoing attempts to combat fraudulent marketing schemes, PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) includes vebriage that they can, without recourse, limit or deny access to their systems to anyone they feel is in violation of these policies. In our 20 year history, this is the fourth time that PayPal has done this to TrafficWave.net - the most recent in December of 2017. In every case, we have appealed their "ruling" and have been reinstated upon a closer review by higher management. Regards, Gordon
  15. Thanks John, Nope, still not paid. Please note I gave Scott a few weeks after the commission was due, before I tried contacting him through his support and various email addresses - but no response. Then I made this post - sometimes you've got to call a spade, a bloody shovel. Without quoting any details, John, have you been paid recently for TE Profits? BTW There's another one that has not been paying, but again I'm giving him some time and a chance to respond to me through support and email, before I go public. Regards, Gordon
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