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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by weblord

  1. well, let's face it, who has the most membership for classified ads? free or paid classified ads, i'll go for free anytime, so who has the most eyeballs?
  2. yes, it's common answer or feedback when you're trying to sell something, say sharing, telling and exposing much better
  3. it's a mindset, if you are in the point of giving away before sta. claus then that boils down to easy
  4. yes, lots and lots of sales and they're all over here in the internet just find them
  5. yes i like the word expose it's easier to do, than saying advertise, people ilk away from words like sell, advertise, and market but when you say expose, share, tell it all comes easier. just a mindset i guess
  6. being consistent and never quite is my motto in doing business.
  7. weblord

    Coaching Programs?

    you have some coaching programs on wealthaffiliate.
  8. you are my sponsor here, im still thinking to upgrade, but i would like other payment options. my credit card is not international. it only works at our marketplace for now.
  9. so you won't support gofundme websites or the like?
  10. me too, it's difficult for the turtle seeing that it has all the disadvantages compared to the rabbit, but it's doable just wake up a little earlier than competition.
  11. yes meeting their needs is the bottomline. know your audience at first.
  12. it all depends on the setup but i prefer doing it myself so i know the outcome, personal touch or doing it dirty as they say i'll go for it.
  13. Dream Bigger, Do Bigger
  14. one of my colleague knows the son of Henry Sy, very exciting
  15. some will get offended if you use the word bribe, so feel your way towards people.
  16. weblord

    Anonymous Owners?

    let's face it internet carries some bit of anonymity on it, taken to some extent place for internet scammers as well, but if you are a site owner for me, place your name and contact info somewhere in the about page so people will know they're dealing with a real live person and not a software.
  17. weblord


    i will need to promote and i go on every places that's why i can say it's saturated
  18. it's like breathing ear, just breathe. as nike said just do it
  19. just start for others it's easier said than done all i need to do back in 1995 was start and i promoted starting with affiliate programs since i don't have a product/service yet those times.
  20. yes, it's not impossible were' getting to the 7k, 8k, 9k, 10k membership.
  21. research plays a lot of role in business planning so don't forget to research your earnings your investments.
  22. yes im addicted to affiliate programs, i make sure it's work, like their referral program/affiliate program link i even get in touch with the owner to make sure im credited for every signup
  23. yes if you will not take part actively in your business in promoting, advertising and marketing it, who will do it then?
  24. weblord


    it's not that they forgotten to update their websites for a long time
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