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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by weblord

  1. stay away from lifetime membership specially if you don't know them or they don't have reputation of paying, on the other hand, im lifetime pro on tpmrotator but i know them ever since.
  2. try leadsleap, short.cm those that i can remember
  3. rebut the charges from your credit card issuer, cancel and don't pay anything.
  4. well on google a lot came out when i researched the company added scam into the search keyword see this rare review according to it.
  5. im using another two popunder/ups companies, if you want just pm me. they also offer anti-adblock allows you to make money off adblockers. the more adblockers you installed as extension the more popunder you will have lol
  6. oh oh, now kindle amazon wants to move all ebooks from createspace to kdp.amazon.com i haven't used createspace but only kdp. sorry to know this, currently published 6 ebooks on it. thanks for the warning
  7. thanks for the warning. name didn't ring a bell. maybe i have strongest spam filter in the whole world, even amazon and uphold can't get in lol
  8. they have just stolen, yet they have charged service fees for stealing? you know in real life you get to see and touch them, at least, those scammers, and just see them run away with your money. been there, done that. yes, love of money is the root of all evil. they love money more than people yes it will return to them whatever good they have sown, good they will reap, if they have sown evil, evil will be their harvest. huge harvest of evil, speaking of my experiences as well. they won't get away with it.. i just know.
  9. at this time i guess he's not serious paying? or have you been paid already?
  10. it's easy to promote, once i started promoting it i got 3 downlines on it , 1 upgraded. [JOIN HERE]
  11. let's study internet marketing 101 for FREE [ENROLL YOURSELF IN THIS COLLEGE]
  12. also the huge hits im getting are from power lion and now it's displayed all over the place specially in the login page. it keeps on improving [sIGNUP HERE!]
  13. install an ad blocker so you won't experience this.
  14. they should have upgraded the way they send emails make it professional, there are a lot of free ways to send email without displaying all the emails and it can greet individual names such as mailchimp, mailgun, etc.
  15. i switched back and forth using firefox and brave, but i prefer firefox over brave. it's a good thing for me to stop auto play videos since here our isp is not unlimited, so it consumes all the unnecessary bandwidth without me knowing it.
  16. yeah great lesson, no one wants to become a trash can, just bounce off their garbage back to them.
  17. well gmail is as good if you read emails on it, give gmail a chance. it's better this way for me since gmail doesn't bounce email unless you put filters on it, of course
  18. oru is the way to go if you have stable earnings since it will eventually pay for itself. it's not yet available here in our country, too only on frontpage. but when you go to signup, the signup form is not visible to us, like an iframe missing.
  19. i like animations but blinking with looping forever, does not fascinate me at all.
  20. admins are humans too and they too needed rest just like one of us, congrats you got a payout.
  21. i was hopeful GP will include our country sooner, because paypal started that way as well, and it then allowed our country to participate.
  22. yes, very great advertising tool indeed. ever invented
  23. only if they're available here in our country i would add them up but still they're not.
  24. i play no favorites, but i use all resources, tools and websites available on the internet.
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