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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by WILSON

  1. The Golden Cross is already in.50 Moving Average and 200 Moving Average Crossing Over.Previous instances have been accompanied by strong bullish momentum.Who is accumulating Bitcoin?
  2. When i surf 1000 pages in the month of february,i'll be offered a free Gold Membership upgrade.What will be included in the package?Will i have access to Login Ads?
  3. Does these Bots generate profit on a Bear Market?If not,How is this even sustainable in the long run?
  4. I'll definitely be watching out on BTC and ETH as well as ERK.Bitcoin halving is happening coming May while ETH is moving towards Proof Of Stake consensus Mechanism come 2021.I'll be very keen to accumulate Bitcoin before the halving both from fresh funds and my Passive Income Program.
  5. This post has just reminded me why i need to be consistent with Surfing in TEs
  6. Connect with me on facebook and shoot me a message.I'll personally guide you.Cheers! https://www.facebook.com/wilson.maingi.54
  7. Hello,Which kind of affiliate program?I have an advertising platform that has Daily rewards of upto 1% on AdPack purchases.Pays in BITCOIN/Perfect Money.Let me know.
  8. I have experienced Typical REVSHARES collapse in the past due to lack of External Sources of Income.if i have to be involved in a Revshare,only for advertising services.I wonder why this one doesn't have advertising services.
  9. This one seems interesting.I have found out that they have cool Lead Magnets like "One SignUp A day".Are you using this one to promote LeadsLead ?If so,How do you go about it because it seems to me that it's an Optin Confirmation Page with no fields for potentials prospects to enter their details.Do you create leadCapture page first then connect it to this page?
  10. Good to hear positive feedback from the members.I'll definitely check it out especially the tracker.
  11. I have had horrible experiences in the past with REVSHARES.Typical revshares depends on advertising sales to pay their members.Does this one has an external source of income?If so,what is it and what do they do to generate profits?
  12. Thanks for doing your due diligence.It's much necessary with so Many scams nowadays.Cheers!
  13. Are you able to get sign ups for whatever you're promoting?Which Ad types are bringing you results?
  14. MyPassiveTrades is an advertising/Earning Platform.One Adpack(Advertisement Package) costs you $5.You get:100 Banner Ad Credits,100 Text Ad Credits,100 Website Credits and 1 Login Ad Credit.I have discovered that Login Ads works perfectly on this platform.I have generated 32 Referrals so far for another opportunity am promoting inside MPT(MyPassiveTrades). One Cool thing about MPT is that they give daily rewards of upto 1% Daily profit on any amount that you use to purchase Adpacks;A super great incentive to advertise on this platform.For those who would like to have a look at it,Below is the link.Cheers! http://bit.ly/2RHpfqV
  15. You can outsource from any of the following platforms. Guru.com Odesk.com Rentacoder.com Elance.com Vworker.com Scriptlance.com Workholies4hire.com Fiverr.com
  16. This seems interesting.I know Login Ads are Super powerful when it comes to generating Sign Ups.Do you need to upgrade first before you can be approved by Admin?BTW,I have joined under you.
  17. What's the member count at the Moment?
  18. A REAL BUSINESS has a REAL product that it sells.This sounds almost unrealistic to me.If you go Ezeebux.com,they should explain their business Model and where the Money comes from to Pay their affiliate program.Not just paying people for just referring others to their site.
  19. Error Message "Your account has been rejected for the following reason: Your registration has been rejected as it resembles spam-like or automated behavior. Please contact the administrator for further information or assistance.."
  20. Forums are Great.I have just tried to Register but the site seems to have some problems.
  21. I'd say MyPassiveTrades.Personally,i have known the CEO of this company since 2016.This is the most Transparent company you can find online.The Company is known as POLARIS UNIVERSAL LIMITED.A 2 year old registered company in UK.The name of the business is MYPASSIVETRADES-An advertising/Earning Platform.You simply buy an adpack(Advertisement package) for $5.This adpack gives you;100 Banner Ad Credits,100 Text Ad Credits,100 Website credits and 1 Login Ad Credit.You can advertise any other business(s) you're involved in.The cool part is that your adpack(s) are backed by CRYPTOCURRENCY+FOREX trading from the company traders earning you upto 1% Daily profit on your investment capital.Actual proof of trading is available.i.e You can Login to Metatrader using investor username and password and see their trades.Below are the Login Details. Login: 204224 Investor password: UniBinaryTrade19 Sever_ binary.com Platform_ Metatrader5. Company: Polaris Universal Ltd Still,there are 2 telegram channels.One for FOREX and the other for CRYPTO.You can follow live as to which crypto pairs are being bought and sold at any given moment and MIRROR those trading signals if you wish.
  22. Do they yet have investor username and password to Login to Metatrader?
  23. Hello,For your case,you need to have accounts with both companies(COINBASE & COINPAYMENTS).COINBASE will act as your BITCOIN wallet while COINPAYMENT will act as a gateway.Remember,Coinpayments is not where you go to purchase Bitcoins with credit/debit card.You purchase Bitcoins inside COINBASE.This is a very good question as most people do not have a clear understanding of the difference between the two.Follow this link.It'll direct you to a youtube video where you'll have a clear understanding between the two.Cheers! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7yrgYtoN1A&t=105s
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