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Marketing Checkpoint

Kai Kauai

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Everything posted by Kai Kauai

  1. Here's a company I've used in the past and sold branded packages to car dealerships - good for the smaller dealerships who do a lot of advertising around tax time (Google Lasvegascomps). His site looks really plain, but have had great experiences in the past. Have even sold these on Ebay at one point. You can brand them to yourself or your customer. If a customer upgrades to a paid stay at a discounted price, you will receive a commission. Otherwise you charge what is fair for getting the brochures branded for your customer and delivering them to the dealership, realtor, etc.
  2. I recently read some of his interactions with people to whom he owed commissions and it was alarming. Instead of showing some humility and being apologetic for the the delay, he basically told people that the more they hounded him about his lack of payment, the further down the list of his priorities he would put them. I have shared messages with others to warn them that he is not someone to get involved with.
  3. I don't know if anyone wants to share, but I keep seeing systems where people are promised 10+ streams of income. Maybe a veteran has a system and can keep track of it all. I upgraded in a mailer, I signed up for a paid membership in one site and a paid monthly membership in another site - all over the weekend. After getting things set-up to promote and trying to use the tools that come with the different sites, I'm wiped out. Are 4 different programs too much? What's too much? :D
  4. Yes I'm getting sign-ups from TE. I use splash pages mostly with a call to action button so it takes them off of the exchange and to a capture page. I occasionally use capture pages but have better results when they can click quickly and it takes them to a sign-up page or capture page.
  5. I think engaging on other blogs in your niche with meaningful contribution to their topics will get actual readers to check out your blog. Also reaching out to other blogs in your niche that maybe have a little more readership or engagement on their posts that is more than the Facebook like widget. Another idea is Facebook groups where you answer questions by pointing people to your blog to give the answer.
  6. I like easyHits4u as well. People reach out by message and, a lot of time, it's spam. However, I was able to add people to my team by responding to those that were genuinely messaging out and responding. One of the newer ones that is interesting is Hungry Hits. They have a blog attached to your profile that you can add links to and engage with other users other than emailing a downline of referrals.
  7. When you're using safelists and traffic exchanges, how many views, clicks, impressions do you send to it before you decide to change it? I don't know if I'm giving my pages enough hits before changing them. Or maybe I should put a couple of variations on a rotator and see which one people click on the most? Thoughts...?
  8. Clare, that's a good idea. I have also been studying the different headlines and body copy to see what makes me feel like I want to click the link.
  9. So I was thinking of this from a people perspective, when are people usually checking their email? Which led me to this question- when is the best time to send your safelist mailings? What are your thoughts...
  10. Probably the best information I've read today! You should definitely do some kind of product launch for this, you could use this post as your sales letter. Totally going to change my strategy for using FREE traffic sites. I know this is off topic for this thread, but how much time commitment, on average, to run your own mailer site?
  11. A while back - maybe 2 years ago - I outsourced a logo for a client using a fiverr gig and it cost me a little more than $5 for the finished product ($25). Shop around and you can find a designer that will get you what you're looking for. I have a membership I purchased off of Jvzoo called youzign - they're paid resources so you get better quality than Canva, but Canva might be a place you could poke around for logo design ideas.
  12. I've spent a few days going through the TE's and mailers trying to clean up my links. A lot has changed for sure.
  13. I've been off line for a little over a year and am just getting back on line. I recognize several of the names in this forum as having been in this niche for many years now. If you lost it all and knowing what you know now, where would you start? Thank goodness I saved my excel spreadsheets with all of my usernames and passwords which made it easy to get logged back in to all of my accounts. :D
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