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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by firebyfifty

  1. Hi Maj, Does this trading platform provide transparent visibility to all trades? Cheers
  2. Very fair point on the "Am I a good teacher" point!!
  3. Very different things. I feel it was a reasonable question considering the income opportunity is half the "sell".
  4. I must admit that I wasn't surprised when I started to see a lot of the advertising in the MMO niche start to include messages related to COVID-19 but I was certainly disgusted and embarrassed to be involved in an industry doing so. The only advertising or promotions that should ethically include a COVID related message is those that promote official health and safety messages, fact checkers, myth busters, or possibly some form of charity seeking to assist those on the front line. All the big platforms are outwardly doing their best to take down the miracle cures and misinformation but I still see a lot of supposed cures or supposed preventative stuff or even the incredible conspiracy theories in safe lists and TEs. Makes me cringe every time. And even simply relating a seemingly regular online business to COVID, for example those along the lines of "Stuck at home due to COVID? Make Money while you do it with [insert random pitch here]" - this is straight up immoral. I understand the marketing theory behind it and the temptation to take advantage of an environment that sees a huge potential increase in online income seekers. I have nothing wrong with marketing to these people who may now have lots more time on their hands or have lost their jobs and be looking for an alternative solution BUT in my opinion these people will only see your ad if they are already looking at it!!! So just sell your product or service. Simple as that! There is no need to link your product or service with the current health situation, people know they are at home with more time, people know they need an alternative income if that is indeed the case. Just my two cents. Anyone using COVID as a marketing tactic is wasting their credits/ clicks when I see it. Stand by and sell your product for the value it has! In other words, Sell your product and not your soul. Stay safe all! Cheers Nate
  5. Hi All, Today I wanted to share a brand new Free Traffic Exchange from Smith who has built his TE with help from the owner of Hungry For Hits. It's free, fast easy traffic to your websites. And for anyone who takes the really cheap Pro upgrade you will be given access to some really cool software "Quick Clicker" which will help you surf any number of traffic exchanges at super speed. Check it out: https://fastnfurioustraffic.com/?rid=75 Cheers Nate
  6. Tell me more about webtalk? I am looking for a social media type platform for my business, not as a platform to post ads to others but to build business relationships, just like I can on all the free social media platforms. Will this work for my purpose? Can I create pages? Can I create private and public groups? I also note it is still in beta and contrary to some of the above posts stating they reached X amount of users in X amount of months (noting this forum thread started in 2018) is inaccurate? The business launched in 2010 or 2013? The domain waspurchased in 2010 but appears maybe 2013 is when members were accepted? And this whole "Paid for life for the first 1 million" , that is only once the have 1 million paid members right? which they do not have 7 years later. Is this still running? Is it useful? Besides connecting with others in the world of business (just like I can here on this forum for free) what other benefits will I get when I join? Cheers Nate
  7. I have used traffic wave in the past, mainly enticed by the comp plan which as it turns out is unrealistic. I would be surprised if even Brian has a full 3x10 paying him. But that is not the point of my post, I 100% agree that email marketing and ARs are an essential for IM and to be honest any business on or offline. I also love the stats and references in every one of your posts (those I have read anyway) George! And the way you provide comparison statistics as well that such as your linkedin to email stat. Very interesting stuff I do wonder about at times but have never bothered to research! Cheers Nate
  8. I have the same habit! Not so high, and I also do it with credits, sometimes I just cannot keep up and miss a day or two (I envy your work ethic posting 365 days a year!) and waste a lot of credits as they build up higher than I can send to. But what I meant was, when you say you are working harder and smarter, your results are no longer luck! Your results are because of you working hard and smart. I have read a lot of your posts and you seem to be very consistent with your advertising. When it comes to $, I usually try and withdraw anything at $100 +, because below that it is a loss if they close down but it is not the end of the world and my business will not be hurt too much, but losing any more than that would start to hurt. Cheers Nate
  9. In regards to "I have found the harder and smarter that I work the luckier I get." Can I just point out that that is NOT luck!!! That is hard and smart work! But you are so right.
  10. From what I can see at a glance you can add prospects but I can't find any function to import an entire list. I will submit a support ticket to ask as it is something I would like to know myself anyway. Cheers Nate
  11. I haven't tried but will find out for you very soon!
  12. Anyone know if this thing is still in "pre launch"? Must be about 2 years now
  13. Well thank you! I will be mailing after work today so will definitely make the most of it!
  14. Very fair response and assessment. And I especially take note of this line: "I do make videos and for the first time I am seeing more and more "complete views" of the video. People have the time to pay attention, and they are." which I find very interesting that the time people now may have on their hands is leading to a more complete view. I do use video quite a bit in my marketing so will definitely have to look into any change in the "complete" or "partial" views of my videos to see if there has been an increase lately. Cheers Nate
  15. I agree with Ted, It comes down to the individual as well as the team. Most teams will have their members best interests at heart and will be doing their best to promote and help their members get referrals and earn. But with any affiliate marketing there is a need for the affiliate to promote promote promote! And to do this every day. Use the team system if one is available as in order to continue earning commissions month after month you need your referrals to see some success and be earning too. But on top of any team system you should be promoting AIOP as much as you can consistently and efficiently every single day. I run the AIOP Elite Action team with some partners and we have a great bunch of team members who work very hard for each other and always help each other out but I also felt the need to create alternative methods to building my AIOP business through my 90 Minute residuals eBook (which anyone can make use of regardless of any team you are part of) as it allowed me to tailor how I was building AIOP and strengthen my overall business and income. Key message, any team can be successful and all will have differences but the key is YOU! Cheers Nate
  16. I use AIOP every day and I have also used Get Response and still use Aweber. I find AIOP has different use cases to Get REsponse and Aweber. AIOP as the name suggests is All In One, and can be used as a complete funnel builder, it has hosting, the AR, inbuilt page builders, copy campaigns and more. Then of course the pay plan which has it's pros and cons but works well for me and my AIOP Elite Action Team. I also used it as part of my rebrandable eBook 90 Minute Residuals successfully. So, while I still have a use for Aweber (and Get Response I find as filling similar needs which is basically integration with almost anything and AIOP is not as easily integrated with some things) I find a lot of use for AIOP as an all rounder and I make good money with them too. I have also never had an issue with their support team and agree with a post above that they have handled payment processor shutdowns and issues fairly well. Cheers Nate
  17. Cannot argue with this, it is 100% spot on and I feel a lot of affiliate marketers put too much emphasis on the product they promote (sell) and not themselves. Everyone will tell you that you need a list and this is why. But to be successful ongoing and end up one of those diamonds making residual income of any significant level you need to build that relationship, that trust with your customer or prospect who in turn helps to ensure others also trust you. Cheers Nate
  18. Interesting stats but is it relevant to marketing online? Unless I am a movie maker or own a streaming platform of significant quality (i.e: can compete with netflix) I don't think these stats are all that useful. They inform me that people want to watch movies and/ or TV shows. Almost zero of the people conducting these searches would be looking for a marketing video aimed at selling them something, in my opinion. Cheers Nate
  19. firebyfifty


    I remember using AdKreator in my first foray online back in 2010 or so, it's sad to see this but I also feel that the company simply did not keep up with the times. Over the last few years I have felt myself cringe every time I see an adKreator page in the TEs or safelists as they are just not of any quality. Cheers Nate
  20. Thanks for the warning. hopefully you paid using a method that allows you to complain or dispute the payment - this in the long run will be the most effective method to get them shut down. Cheers Nate
  21. Hi Ted, Thanks for jumping in! I should have been clearer, when I mentioned different target audiences I was actually referring to my specific plans with each. I built 90 Minute Residuals with a specific purpose for my members and this does have a specific focus on safe lists and mailers and generating members lot's of traffic efficiently while giving them a simple way to essentially 'copy and paste' the required business tools and funnel tools which is also a main income stream. From there I hope many of my members use what they have learned along with the traffic they have learned to generate efficiently to inspire on how they can create their own funnels or systems etc. PMS is something I joined way back and gave up and I also struggled with the back office but I do really like the ability to customise everything with the owner ad on - and that can allow a lot of versatility which I plan on setting up to target a different type of target audience for my business.. (I have recently re joined to try and set something up with a different spin to my 90 Minute Residuals business). But you are right, both businesses at a high level are geared toward the same audiences. It is just what the user does with them! Anyway, appreciate the feedback. Cheers Nate
  22. no worries, reach out if you have any questions along the way! cheers Nate
  23. Thanks Colin, Appreciate the feedback!! And I am also a fan and a member of PMS and I have only good things to say about it so can't argue with your decision there! I currently promote both with very different focuses and target audiences. Cheers Nate
  24. Thanks for confirming! I suppose it isn't all that an uncommon name but an interesting coincidence in the IM world.
  25. I believe it is. Brian launched a mailer or TE (can't remember which) a few months ago also - I'm not sure if this is the same one that just made it to this forum now. I have never had much luck with TW or the ad platform with the same comp plan but I can say I have always received decent support when I required it from Brian so I may have to check this one out for some traffic..
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