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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by firebyfifty

  1. Hi Donnie, Ted's response is spot on! He beat me to it while I was enjoying a long overdue weekend away (we postponed our trip due to the Aussie fires last year). AIOP is not necessary to down load and get some great tips and tricks from my book, but it is core to allowing for a viral list building and income stream for you as it allows anyone to duplicate absolutely everything. If you choose to check it out, please go via Ted's link (it is the same book!). Cheers Nate
  2. Brilliant!! Great to hear Ted, I may need to pick your brain on that one as I tried to get that set up but ran out of time and went for a solution I could easily explain to a new member. Really cool to see people expanding on what I had and coming up with your own solution! Cheers Nate
  3. Hi Donnie, Thanks for the tips! Yes, I was talking about software to allow my readers/ customers to rebrand and then download their own copy with their branding and affiliate links throughout their copy. I found a solution that is hosted on within my members area which is working well almost 2 weeks in. Thanks Nate
  4. No problem at all, hope you like it!
  5. The 1 week update: Last weekend I successfully "soft launched" my eBook and membership platform to my existing AIOP team as well as posting about it here. To date there are 55 members who have actively rebranded their ebook and are actively promoting the system. I have 72 leads that have not yet joined and those 55 members actively promoting have many more on their list (leads go to the member promoting their own branded copy and not to me!) The eBook and membership which provides the ability to rebrand a copy of the eBook with your own details (name, brand and affiliate links) is 100% free forever. The eBook does promote paid affiliate programs which come at a cost and this is where my members are making money. If you are one of the people who have read my eBook, whether you have rebranded a copy for yourself or not, please provide feedback to me (doesn't have to be here, you know how to contact me). Cheers Nate
  6. I agree. My experience with Matthew's sites are that they get me similar results for my mailings as many other traffic sources. My issue with Matthew is that he sold me a product/ service for a significant amount (~1k USD) and did not provide the product / service that was promised. It doesn't matter how good or bad the traffic is that I get, it mattered whether or not I got the product / service I paid for. Cheers Nate
  7. Hi Donnie, I just wanted to say I completely respect the fact you posted your own experiences. That is the whole purpose (I believe) of reviewing forums, to get an idea of both sides and see what various people say/ claim/ think of a product or service so that people can make their own informed decisions. I try to be honest with what I post online and appreciate that others do too, even if sometimes we may have different experiences. Cheers Nate
  8. Thanks, That would be very nice!!
  9. So, I logged in to Your Success Advantage today. The site that I feel I was ripped off/ scammed / robbed by. It now has a commissions button that has advice that commissions are paid on the 15th of each month. So any previous comments I have made about Matthew's sites not having any info or method of being paid may now be incorrect. At the time I made those posts there was no commissions button or info on how payments are to be made. Today there is. I have only checked this one site and I am not stating that he pays commissions. Just that he has updated this one site and some of my previous comments are now outdated and incorrect. Cheers Nate
  10. Thanks to all those who shared their suggestions and advice. After 6 months of work I have finally released my completely re- brandable eBook!! First of many I hope!
  11. Yes, I am very interested in this too? If you had to email Matthew to request a payout it would be good and proper if he would state that somewhere clearly on his sites. I am happy that you have been paid and have success with the sites Donnie, it is night and day our experiences with Matthew so very refreshing to hear he doesn't rip off his entire customer base.
  12. Hi All, After 6 months of designing and building I have just moments ago launched my brand new membership platform, 90 Minute Residuals 90 Minute Residuals is an eBook that anyone can re- brand with their own name, brand name and all affiliate links within the eBook can be re- branded so that my links are swapped out and your affiliate links are inserted instead. This has true viral power! It comes with a full membership back office that includes the re branding tool, tons of advertising resources, training on everything including some major traffic strategies. This has been designed and built by me over the last 6 months and is designed to allow any reader who takes action to build their own list, their own brand and a significant residual income online. This is brand new and the eBook and membership at 90 Minute Residuals is completely free (noting there are costs to generate an income!) So please take the time and have a read of my eBook, you have nothing to lose by simply having a read! Cheers Nate Scifleet http://www.90minuteresiduals.com/banner2.png
  13. Have you been paid?
  14. I have used sqribble in the past for my own books but at the time there was no ability for a reader or customer of mine to rebrand the book as their own.
  15. It is sad really. From all reports it sounds like he was really quite successful and probably making a decent income online too with his original traffic sites. I wonder if he makes more now with his shady and potentially illegal tactics than when he ran an honest business.
  16. Thanks, I have bookmarked the site, I have a solution for now that is sufficient for a single project but I plan on more and more so will come back to this hosting option as I grow and the current option I have becomes too expensive for me or my members. Cheers Nate
  17. Thanks, yes I found a few! A day full of googling and watching videos and I now have banner making down to a fine art! It is amazing what can be self- taught these days with the power of social sharing online.
  18. I have used google docs before to share team lists and hit counts etc, but for sharing a doc I want more control and also the ability for a customer/ user to rebrand and then have their own copy to give away too (that will be different to my copy). Learning every day!
  19. Ok, so I was frustrated last night trying to resolve this but this morning have come to a few solutions. The obvious one is to host it on my domain - but the problem with this is that the whole point is to allow anyone to rebrand a copy and give away their own version and forcing people to host their own copy makes things too complicated for a lot of people who want something "turnkey". I could host it for everyone but this adds a lot of time and effort on my part which again defeats the purpose somewhat. So, currently looking in to various free file sharing options - which are usually ad supported from what I can find. Will post my final solution once done just in case anyone else comes across this and is stuck with a similar problem.
  20. Hi All, I know this can be done, and I may be overlooking the obvious but hoping the brains trust can help.... I have an e-book that I plan on giving away for free. It is completely rebrandable so people can rebrand it with their name, brand and affiliate links with one click and they get to download their own copy with their branding. But how do people share their own copy? This hurdle has tripped me up at the finishing line! I can obviously host my core original copy and send people to a landing page to down load it, but I want people to be able to copy an auto responder campaign with pages etc built in and only have to go in and swap out the core copy (or their sponsors copy) of the ebook with their own rebranded copy. I don't want my readers to have to host their own file for people to download but rather be able to simply share the file. Does anyone know of any products that allow/ support this functionality or does anyone have any nifty solutions that might suit my needs? If I haven't explained myself properly but you think you might have a solution feel free to respond to this post or private message me!! Cheers Nate
  21. In my opinion this is ONLY true if you are a free member. As a free member I could overlook slow or lacking support if I was getting the traffic / click through I desired. But if I was a paid member I expect the service offered which included support, commissions etc on top of the traffic. Poor support response is red flag and potentially the first sign of other issues to come, such as non- payment of commissions. Cheers Nate
  22. I don't know, I don't have the time to watch the constant webinars that (at the time when I was watching them) didn't provide any real info. I will go and watch a recent one when I get a chance and let you know. Cheers Nate
  23. 100% agree with herculist and I use it religiously. AE mailer is a newbie but also a favourite of mine. Cheers Nate
  24. Hey Dave, I would be interested in your thoughts and how they have progressed as the launch becomes more imminent? I am still a founder and have a very small referral base and some hope, but also some doubt. As time has passed, have your thoughts evolved, or become more firm? Cheers Nate
  25. Thanks for the tip. I joined worldprofit a long time ago (without upgrading) but found the back office very confusing and probably missed a lot of the actual value because I just couldn't find it. Cheers Nate
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