Affiliate accounts that are left inactive will be removed from our system if their balance is equal to or less than $25. If an abandoned affiliate account has a balance between $25 and $50, a $25 fee will be assesed once per calendar month, until the balance is equal to zero dollars - and is closed. At no time will an affiliate ever owe monies to, Inc. based on fees - the account will simply be closed. An abandoned affiliate account is defined as any account that has not been logged in to for a period of 6 months, nor have any transactions been posted to that account. If one or the other of those conditions are true - the account will remain in an active state. NOT ALLOWED: All other uses of banners or links, such as newsgroups, chat rooms, ICQ, message boards, banner networks, hit farms, counters, or guestbooks etc. are NOT allowed. NOT ALLOWED: Any placement of creative in a "Desktop" advertising scheme. This includes any and all 3rd party advertising platforms that use a desktop application to display ads in any form. NOT ALLOWED: Any display of a merchant window that isn't the result of a direct click by the end-user. Failure to abide by these rules could mean termination from a given merchant program, or from completely with a complete forfeit of commissions. can i promote products from shareasale in mailers?