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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Inacurkle

  1. That is a big big question. I am not in any proposing that I have the answers. It is a question that is always in the back of my mind. it to me is determined by what your policy is as a marketer and what services are actually delivered. Looking back,I have not regretted the time spent surfing and searching for a better answer. It is only after time that you can weed out those sites that give you value. Using trackers teaches you a lot. you get to grips with how exchanges or whatever service you use are handing out the credits. I have been on the internet for over 8 years and i have close to ten books of registrations. I was going through my Rolodex the other day and was surprised to see how many companies had disappeared. I joined for free, advertising to give impact to my advertising. Every one is hooked on their own product. I came here and learned a new strategy. give people free advertising and they end up helping you to promote your website. Now with more sites in your arsenal and with a greater understanding of how to target your audience, you can decide your strategy. The longer you are in the business and dependent on how observant you are, you should be very skilled in getting exposure to your website. That being the case you can scale your efforts. In a sense, the question answers itself. However, if you do not have the gimmicks the guru's use It still leaves you with a lot of work to do to get the desired results. I have upgraded in several programs. It is a revelation to find out you are sometimes not better off than a free member. This is a knawing question, that is like finding the needle in a haystack. I find myself joining new brands because technology has increased and so if you do not keep an eye on that you won't get many worms.lol
  2. I am not an expert in this field, like you, I look for solutions. I have used Google docs to give away free content. the problem with that is I do not know when someone downloads a copy. I have tried it with a link tracker and I have tried it with a Paypal button but people wear the best trainers available. haha. Web submission has a 10-way offer. they give you some resources. Can you imagine what happens when 10's of thousands of people post to the same place? Good for a while yes, but it is a brand killer. One good thing in your favour, if no one else is doing it, the internet is your oyster. A good thought but I had to come back to the drawing table as the passers by, were more abundant than expected. As you did in your second reply, you will review and better will come before you. You will find a better way that you will be happy with.
  3. I have been involved in horse racing since 1995. I believed in it's potential to generate income. A lot of people think otherwise. However, there are a lot of people that make money from horse racing so what separates the boys from the girls? I see people looking at a paper and think they can select a winner in a few moments viewing. That is possible if you are a seasoned professional such as myself. It is not possible all the time to do that.on a continual basis due to the nature of horse racing. Horse racing is very rotational. That means things are changing from race to race. Weights change, going conditions, jockeys, the yard, venues etc. All of these characteristics impact upon one another. Horses win by virtue.; Ground, amount of prize money, speed, experience, breeding and by preference. The last one is dark horse territory.No matter how much information you have when a thing is decided you will see it in front of your eyes. You might think you have the world against you but things can work in your favour. If you win more times than you lose then you have an upward trend. If you can get the one who wins and the one who follows him or her home then you are getting value for money. opportunity is a bit like electronics, its has an on-off aspect to it. When you get a win, hold back because take back is on the corner. I read in my travels if you want to succeed specialize. When you get seasoned, you will get intuition because of the many times you see something. it is then you will be able to select prices in double digits. That is when you can make a large surge. it is the place where compounding comes into its own. That type of mathematics outdoes any doubt that others may have. You have to jump over a hurdle to get over the other side. If you want a religion it is here. if your belief is in the wrong place you will lose money. it requires discipline you have to be informed and focused. You also need a following to get the momentum. Then you will make a hackneyed phrase become true. you will give the bookie a beating.
  4. I do see what you are saying to give you a bit of credit but I agree with the lady that responded and gave Safelists a better name.. I do understand that they can be voluminous but then like any tool you have to learn to handle it. It is best to take a percentage view. if someone has seen your ad they are going to pass on by. That means the percentage approach is even more emphasized. not everyone will open an email and as I read in the intro the providers you use would see to that..obviously some Safelist work better than others and they each target different markets as well as countries if you use a tracker. Being able to target a wide audience means you have first choice when pushing something new so one should have a bit of vision and know-how to ride the waves. When I started i was worried about having people to contact but finding out about safelists solved that problem. yes you mentioned that but everything has power if you build a bit of synergy into it. Right now I have a niche that I want to get promoted and safelists are not as prohibitive as some other platforms. I am excited by the fact that there are tools to help you navigate safelist's where other people actually see your ad. Remember the gold story , the man who gave up when one more dig would of given him victory. Take another look you might find more than you did last time.
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