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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. I just tried advertising several times on PTCs such as Paidverts, because the price was very cheap (like you can get thousands of visitors for only $2). I used my opt-in page to build my list. But it seems that most of the subscribers that I got were from 2nd tier or 3rd tier countries. I want to know if anyone in this forum has ever tried advertising on PTCs? If so, can you share your experiences, such as how are your results? Are leads from PTCs buys? Is it worth it?
  2. What product did you refer to? AIOP or The Safelist Organizer? Regarding The Safelist Organizer, my technical issues have not been resolved until now, but Steve is very responsive and helpful in dealing with my issues. Regarding AIOP, I only contacted their support once, so I haven't had much experience dealing with their support.
  3. No problem, Ted. I have some issues with the clicker, but Steve is helping me to fix the issues
  4. Hi Ted, thanks for your post and advices. I'm sorry, but I have joined the FAFY AIOP Team before I read your post and the team is helpful. So far, I've gotten 1 paid downline from their help. Btw, I joined the Safelist Organizer from your RocktheBizOps page. I use a lot of safelists/viral mailers and I want to see how the Safelist Organizer could make my safelist marketing efforts more efficient.
  5. OK Dave, thanks for your advice. I might be wrong about EasyHits4u, maybe it's because I compare it with the Webmasterquest which seems faster in delivering traffic.
  6. I am interested in joining AIOP. I want to ask, which AIOP team do you think is the best?
  7. Do you know any traffic exchanges that deliver traffic (using credits) fast and accept PTP like Webmasterquest? I know other traffic exchanges that deliver traffic fast such as Clickvoyager but they don't accept PTP. I also know other traffic exchanges that accept PTP such as EasyHits4U and TrafficG, but the traffic delivery is slow. What I'm looking for are traffic exchanges that are fast in delivering traffic (using credits) but also accept PTP. So far, I can only found one, i.e. Webmasterquest. Does anyone know about other traffic exchanges that meet those two criterias?
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