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Marketing Checkpoint


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geomc57 last won the day on March 6 2021

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About geomc57

  • Birthday 05/19/1957

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  1. The February Promo is expired.
  2. I think they meant - until you run out of Credits. I have done so and will continue to do so. But I join, get the benefits and then wait a month for the list to grow. Early on a new launch tends to be active and emails getting opened. If you wait too long the activity settles down, even though the membership is growing.
  3. Never Join Alone! Start Your Business With An INSTANT or Pre-Built DOWNLINE!! And Make Unlimited Free Money for yourself and your Free Members, 100% Guaranteed, While You Build! The very moment you sign up you make $5 Instantly and you get paid on multiple levels for other free members. Cash out minimum $50.00 Sign up is no cost ever, no risk. • $5 Free just for Signing Up Guaranteed • No Paid Memberships so It’s Always Free • Get paid in 7 Different ways • Get Paid on 3 Levels, No confusing matrices or procedures You Get - Your Members Following You Into Any Online Business. • Get Paid for Telling Others to get their free $5 • Grow your own Massive List for Free and contact them with your offers Go Here Now https://www.guaranteedownlineclub.com/home?code=oRfii4pYdm George McBride PS. Be sure to check the testimonial page, Dan Fox is a friend who endorses it and has made withdrawals.
  4. ​ March Madness is a College Basketball Tournament that occurs every March. In Honor of March Madness Matthew Graves is giving away FREE Traffic Every Day. You can get 31 days of free traffic packages for your program, website, or lead capture pages. It's time for March Traffic Madness! March Traffic Madness Free To Join and every day this month you will get a traffic package worth $5 to $20. That is hundreds of dollars in traffic for free. Over 250,000 free credits at top ranked mailers and safelists. Free solo ads and Premium Memberships. ALL FREE! If you want thousands of free visitors this month, just click below and join March Traffic Madness for FREE! http://www.MarchTrafficMadness.com/home.asp?rid=38 Today's Traffic Package free: ​ **DISCLAIMER** I am aware of Matthew Grave's history from personal experience. I do not suggest joining to make money, you wont. But join for the free ads that in fact are very effective. Be sure to read more Posted in This Forum
  5. http://miracle-mailer.com/banners/468x60.gif Want a Free Gold Upgrade? By Joining Free, Using the promo code newmember, and the promo code march2021 I got a Gold Upgrade, 35,000 Credits, 35 banner ads (468x60), 35 Banner Ads (125x125), 35 Text Ads, and 65 solo ads. Free ads work when you act fast and get all the extras for being an early adopter. These promo codes good until March 31st http://miracle-mailer.com/1613 It is a Traffic Exchange. It has Solos, Banners, Text, Login, List Mailer, Downline Mailer, Member Mailer.
  6. Giving away FREE Gold Upgrades at PremiumLeadsClub during the month of February, 2021!!!! Just use Promo Code (ends Feb 28th): VIPGOLD0221 Use New Member Promo Code: welcome Want more? How about a 5-Pack Promo Code: DavesCrew21 If you like free advertising on Traffic Exchanges this is a great time to get a lot of free ads with this new launch. Join before the months end:https://www.premiumleadsclub.com/index.php?r=geomc57 Start promoting. There is a CASH Referral Contest of a total of $200. First place is $100 Viral Advertising System. Your Member Benefits Include: FREE lifetime access to our advertising systemAbility to earn ad credits & win daily prizes for browsing adsAbility to create a personalized profile box with favorite linksAbility to buy advertising with ad credits or moneyAbility to upgrade your account for more benefits & featuresFREE bonus advertising.. just for joining Promo Code: welcomeBonus Leads for each member level, Plus many more features waiting for you on the inside..
  7. 2 nights I had 4 hours of Virtual Meetings. I do these meetings with people from all over the world. Last night included, East Coast, Central, and west coast USA, India, Canada, Sweden and Thailand. I also do mostly 1 on 1 or maybe with 2 or three people. Occasionally I have done meetings of 25 or more. Today I did some research and put together a quick 5 point guide to running an Effective Virtual Meeting. The Five points are: 1. Have a clear meeting agenda or purpose 2. Only include necessary attendees 3. Start/End on time 4. Maximize participation 5. Effective follow-up I ran about 6 meetings a week for 6 weeks (one week I had a high of 15 meetings) through the months of July and August. These meetings resulted in increase revenues of $9128 in one time purchases and $875 in subscription purchases. A very profitable venture. I add that the attendees came from 2 sources. One was my list and the second was referrals from my list. I got the referrals in two ways. One was asking the attendee from my list and the second was ask my attendee in Facebook messenger and providing him a template message to share with 5 of his friends. The Facebook option worked better. Questions for you: Do you use Virtual Meetings? Have you been in Virtual Meetings? What platform do you use? (I use mostly zoom) What works, what makes the meeting good? What does not work, what makes the meeting awkward or unsuccessful? Thanks for your input.
  8. No I did not. I am owed over $400 in commissions. That amount is based on 1. Minimums reached, 2. 30 day delayed payment in case of refund request. Both requirements have been reached or exceeded by over $400 in commissions.
  9. If you know me you know I am a List Builder. I use free advertising to build my list. Then I engage that list consistently. I do not want one conversation with my prospect that offers "Join" or "Do Not Join". That is a Yes or No Proposition. How about a third proposition, "I'll Think About It". Most people will not select proposition 1 Join. And so many who do select it do not know what they are joining and consequently do nothing beyond the first day. After that they are gone. But I want to continue the conversation, let them think about it, let them learn about it. Then when they join they know what they are joining and they are ready to work. My favorite way to consistently and continually engage my readers, continue the conversation, is to offer Free Download Emails and Free Mini Courses. I like choices. For example, with Free Downloads I offer people maybe 3 choices when sending it. The three choices would be three separate niches. A download on List Building A Download on Thai Cooking A download on Social Media Marketing This helps me to segment my list. List segmentation allows me to send the right people the most pertinent content at the most opportune time. By the choices my prospects make I learn more and more about them. I can segment my lists of contacts and leads by data collected based on the specific interactions they have with my email downloads. I think there are three basic reasons to "continue the conversation" beyond simply sending newsletters or you sales and promotions. They are: 1. Segmentation. Because this enables me to send pertinent information to the prospect. The result, my open rates are high and I have significant engagement both on "calls to action" and replies with comments, questions and even content contribution. 2. Going beyond your news or sales letters will help your prospect know you. I provide stories and local happening to provide context to who I am and what I am about. When a prospect knows likes and trusts me, we can do business better together. 3. Getting to know them. Good segmentation creates meaningful and relevant engagement which results in the prospect revealing his needs and struggles. When I know their real pain points and respond constructively with solutions they go from being a prospect to a client.
  10. Thank you Donna. Need any help let me know.
  11. Darren. Good one. I too have sometimes gone to a site long not visited only to discover a massive amount of ad credits. Fun isn't it?
  12. http://ftp//geopam@www.servethailand.com/httpdocs/AffiliateAds/clickvoyager1.jpg I like this site for the quick straight forward splash pages I can make to promote anything I am doing. But first a little about the site. It is a surf ad site. Surf timer is quick and points add up fast. Every Sunday a Silver Upgrade is given away free to everyone who surfs 250 or more sites. Every Monday 3 Platinum Upgrades are given away free to the 3 top surfers. Every upgrade level gets you more Surfing Credits and more Slots for creating Splash Pages. Now Why Splash Pages? Why not just go directly to the Landing Capture Page? Sometimes that works just fine. But if you are advertising on Ad Exchanges that have timers and you use your LCP, right when the prospect is filling out the form the timer completes and the page refreshes, frustration. You do not want to frustrate your prospect. It is better to promote the Splash Page and when clicked the form to capture information opens up in a new tab. Another reason is promoting in Social Media. Most links that lead to a capture page with a form on it are blocked in Social Media, or they are red flagged as Dangerous. A splash page is neutral and provides a good bridge between the promotion and the capture form. And finally, when capturing the information, you want a clean form where the prospect has only one thing to do. Fill it out. When he gets to the Capture page he is there because the splash page gave him all the information he needed to ACT. A fast and simple way to make splash pages is to use ClickVoyager. You can make up to 3 splash pages as a free member. After that you can do one of two things. Delete a page you made and make a new one for a new promotion, or upgrade. As you upgrade the number of splash pages you can make increases. Here are two of my Splash Pages: Banner Builder This splash page demonstrates how I might promote a TripleClicks product. Digital Products This is one of my Freebies I use to build my list. They are simple, but have been very effective for my business.
  13. I started a Facebook Group some time ago for my SFI affiliates. I use it to exchange ideas, to share points about promotion, to congratulate successful affiliates and to motivate my team. I recently made posts on good practices in Social Network promotions. That led to a post on engaging and contributing in Forum Discussions. And I used Market Check Point as an example. Here is my post: Discussion Forums: This is another very strong method for driving targeted traffic but, like social media, there is a right way and a wrong way. The first step is to do a search on Google or any search engine for discussion forums and groups related to your market. If you are selling fishing gear, you might search for “Fishing Forum” or “Fishing Newsgroups”.As you find discussion groups related to your market place, take the time to learn the rules of the forum. Each one is different. Violating the rules can get your account terminated pretty quickly.I posted to a forum in my niche on Google "People Also Asked" and how to use it to market more effectively. If you want to take a look visit this link: https://www.servethailand.com/AffiliateAds/ForumPostinMCP.htmlIt is free to join if you want to post or reply to posts in the online marketing niche. You are also permitted to add you primary business in your Signature box that accompanies every post.People looking for an online business are here. As they get to know you and value your contribution they want to do business with you, and have you as their sponsor. How great is that.This is one way I promote Market Check Point (MCP) to my Affiliates. In the link in the post above I share a portion of my forum post in MCP and encourage them to join, learn and engage as well. What are some ways you promote MCP to people?
  14. Today I saw a post about Home Business Magazine having an article about WebTalk. It was Published June 12, 2020. So I turned it into a promotion piece and sent it to many of my friends and online connections. Want to see the promo? http://www.syrwebdesign.com/r/geo/WebTalk If you want to promote any product, service or opportunity, like this let me know I will tell you how. About 90% of my social media posts are done like this. The focus is whatever I want to share, but my ads go right along with it.
  15. I am a member of webtalk and post there at least weekly. Here are a couple thoughts that are answered or asked here but just laying it out. Some programs require the affiliates to purchase a product or service monthly. Webtalk affiliates are not required to make any purchase. Pro subscriptions must be purchased to qualify for the 5 tier bonus, but they do not have to be purchased by the affiliate themselves. They can be purchased by a direct referral of the member thereby qualifying the member for the bonus. Some programs have monthly quota. Webtalk affiliates have no quota and will actually be able to make money without any sales! I am currently making money from Ad Rewards and that money is being earned from my posts and my activity on Webtalk. Some programs pay their distributors for just recruiting people. If they stop recruiting, their earnings stop. Webtalk does not pay its affiliates unless their referral gets on the platform and Webtalk earns from them. All of the money being made by Webtalk members is a portion of the money made by Webtalk on the referrals of the member (or the referrals of their downline) that is being passed on to them as referrer (or the upline of the referrer). So it is not a ponzi scheme. What I like best, and why I am a member of this and other such social media sites, is that people here were attracted to the opportunity to make money. That is a good niche for us all to be in.
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