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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by nextstep

  1. Get this new program as a alternative to Adsense and other ways to monetize your website. They allow many different things like HYIP Crypto and Dating but you can just delete those subjects you dont want. You have a easy payout at 5 US and you can sign up here. adsterra - http://trckapp.com/Monetize/marketingforum Support 24/7 Approval in a minute Many different pay outs even coin Pop under, banner, social bar, Push and adding new ways to make money all the time Sign up now you wont regret it adsterra.com
  2. So can you share the leads or do you have a forum where you share the leads? Can you resell them?
  3. I can mail them until i have credits?
  4. I have used propellerads.com for a while now and i am making some money trying to figure out what makes the best money. It is easy to sign up and get approved. Not as difficult as Adsense. They have a telegram chat and also many other programs connected to program. You can get exit traffic and direct links with pop up. Now they have a one link fits all so you do not need to pick. Sign up here http://trckapp.com/adsensealternative/marketingforum
  5. Leadslead in my profile signature is the one that given me most leads. Easyhits4u give me traffic but it not have sign ups.
  6. I find it so creepy when they keep saying your name when you log in.
  7. Anybody have any luck with this?
  8. I have not got money out from any of them and it is just small money the best at the moment is to mine yourself if you have an extra computer
  9. Spread your risk so many coins now in a year another coin can be the #1 or #2 after bitcoin
  10. Someone just sent a email from here inviting people to his new list lolz
  11. I always use a cpanel forward and if the program is to spammy i just delete the forward. Or i use myemail+theirname@gmail.com
  12. How does it work? Can you explain?
  13. Can someone explain this to me? PTC and CPA offers PTC scripts and websites can give you credit for doing CPA offers but you can not pay people or use mirco workers to do CPA offers for you. Why are they allowing PTC doing it?
  14. What script should use to set up a solo program?
  15. How many members do they have to mail to? With these 35 000 credits?
  16. You can never mine Bitcoins now you need like a power plant to mine bitcoins other coins sure but not bitcoin.
  17. I upgraded for 3 month still not sign ups just traffic. If thats what you into its fine but thats all never got a sign up from them
  18. He just started all the websites again all of the solos never pass the server grey listing.
  19. I see to bad if there was readers should just keep it going. Let us know if you open it again.
  20. That link is not about PTC btw
  21. Never had time to sign up but i would like to try if it get some results.
  22. I am not sure they give me any sign ups it gives me traffic but not much more.
  23. It is a very good list since only clicked credit counts however it is very few emails that comes so not easy to get credits.
  24. I use them as well as you can see in my link. They are the only program i paid to upgrade for all great futures.
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