FYI, the one-time $40 affiliate fee is half off right now as the company is pushing to reach 1 million users! Not sure how long the price reduction will last so if you considered joining GBU but were turned off by the $40 fee its only $20 right now. For more info, visit my GBU page.
Affiliate Advertising Club... NEW site just launched a few days ago by Clay Montgomery. Frank Calaboro Jr. has a large stake in it as well. Real human traffic and a one of kind compensation plan. Check it out, watch the videos...
I have been basically just promoting the business side of it but wasn't actually using the product. I've since installed the software on my laptop and Android phone and its quite nice, so I'm going to start promoting the customer side of it now as well.
Just another copycat of LiveGood and GotBackup. But at least with LG and GB you have good products and services people actually want. I mean, really, ebooks and training? Come on, that's so 1998 lol.
AIOP is still running however they are losing a lot of their customers for not timely paying commission, or at all. I am still waiting for a lousy $20 for a couple months now. I let my account downgrade to free and I'm exclusively using EMT4U now.
Yeah I have an alternate email address I used to subscribe to my GB tour capture page to see what it was like and I was amazed at the amount of emails it received lol.
Not gonna lie, it definitely has a focus on the opportunity and not the product, but I guess it really depends on what you're looking for if that would be a problem for some people.
1000's of others? Other MLMs? Or other backup software? There are currently two companies making a lot of noise in the industry with their programs because of their low monthly fee and decent comp plans. LiveGood and GotBackup. I chose to give GB a test spin because there are sooo many supplement companies.
Anyone interested in GotBackup? I recently joined the company. The comp plan is nice and the monthly membership fee is affordable. I won't bore you with hype, visit my link and watch the video.
I'm a PAID member with EMT4U. Thinking about making the switch to them from AIOP. The company is new, hasn't officially launched, there are a few glitchy things on their site but I imagine it will only get better as they build.