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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by jcdean

  1. Lottery tickets
  2. Hi I have no one to share this with except the few people in this forum. I am ecstatic to have my 1st $100 day in a long time. (Since Empower Network collapsed in on itself) Lately a $10 day has been a good day. I promote a very low cost Warrior Plus offer in one of my follow up sequences. (Secret Email System by Matt Bacik) . It is a $7 offer that converts like crazy but it only pays out $4 and some change. Today someone bought some of the backend stuff for a total of $90. Then an our later I got notified of a $25 dollar commission from a viral lead system I promote. ( Lead Skimmer) Very motivated right now. Not making a ton of money but the list is growing by 10 to 25 subs a day. Won't be long before I will have my own private table at Hooters sucking down the wings and corona! Can I get a w00t w00t please?
  3. I am promoting a clickbank product that gives people a 48 free pass. The vendor follows up but my affiliate link is not hard coded. I will be relying on the CB cookie to get credit for the sale. I am worried that most people use there phones to surf traffic exchanges and read safelist email and was just wondering if they will be cookied?
  4. I am just starting with Safe Lists and Traffic Exchanges. I am not a smart man but I see most peoples ads are about biz ops. I think the thing to promote would be lead generation offers. The people surfing already have a main hustle. They are the proverbial staving crowd. They are staving for leads. I have a killer idea for a guide to promote. (Actually I am jacking someone elses idea) If it works out I will let you know. If any one here is really making a killing with these sites they should make a mini course about it and put it on warrior plus and the rest of us could promote it.
  5. I belonged to that program and quickly left. I was suspicious as they would not let you use tracking links. They would tell you how many click you had every day. To test them I direct linked to some clickbank and jvzoo offers. The MLGS system said I was getting clicks on my links but nothing registered in CB or JVZOO.
  6. I am told that I plug a little device in my wall and it will mine Helium for me and I make $100s per month. If I refer it to other I get some of their Helium every month. What the heck is Helium?
  7. I bought a 1000 views from. (I think it was a 1000 I know I paid got the smallest package) According to Aweber my opt in form was displayed twice.
  8. I use them. Have the lifetime upgrade so I can mail everyday. I haven't got many leads but will keep experimenting unit I do. I doubt you would have much luck promoting a biz-op. People there already have one.
  9. Love to know what you are promoting. I get a lot of hits on HL but very few leads.
  10. I am an upgraded member of Leads Leap. I was thinking to switch to there Autoresponder and Page builders but I think I read somewhere that single opt in is not an option. Can someone that uses it let me know?
  11. Brilliant. Were do you get the credits?
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