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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by Philaggio

  1. The link in this post got caught by my malwarebytes malware guard. Just to warn you. It might be a false positive.... but might not!
  2. Hi Derek, I recommend tracking and monitoring your links with a tool like Clickgum or Hitsconnect (create a fresh tracking link for each site and promotion) and then you can zoom in on what works the best. Also try split testing your campaigns to see if version A works better than version B or vice-versa (a feature of Clickgum and maybe Hitsconnect too). The thing is that there are so many ad blasters, login page advert tools, safe lists, solo ad sites and so on (and as you click on ads to get advertising credits you may find you join more and more) but you really need to focus on the few that work the best to make best use of your time. So closely monitoring and experimenting with what you do is really key.
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