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Marketing Checkpoint


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billvm last won the day on November 28 2021

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  1. Just an update to whomever should read the above post. First off, thanks to the ADMIN here for securing their certificate. Although this is a forum for posting and not a website one depends on for sending emails to, say, promote a new program launch, it was the responsible thing to do. For us. I have since joined a new site to kill some time and I still come across the following on occasion: Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue Firefox detected an issue and did not continue to ebbt.us. The website is either misconfigured or your computer clock is set to the wrong time. It’s likely the website’s certificate is expired, which prevents Firefox from connecting securely. If you visit this site, attackers could try to steal information like your passwords, emails, or credit card details. What can you do about it? The issue is most likely with the website, and there is nothing you can do to resolve it. You can notify the website’s administrator about the problem. Learn more… The good news is if you get one of these, you still get credits for visiting the site. Bad news is that whoever sent this wasted his/her time and credits in sending it. Make sure whatever sites you are a member of, you are not wasting your time and credits. Check the site's certificate status that you are promoting by right clicking the padlock in the URL (extreme left in the box). And no, does not matter which browser you use. Only if it is outdated, as was my case with Windows Vista, will it work, as it is now substandard in terms of security. Anyone using the latest Windows and applicable browser will be blocked from such a website. For your security and that of the Program Owner. You can notify her/him, but if there is no response or action taken, you have a decision to make.
  2. Even though I was on the naughty list, I managed to procure a new desktop computer this Christmas and went from Windows Vista to Windows 10. Then the proverbial pooh hit the fan. I was blocked from certain websites including this one. The website would not display and it's ssl certificate classified it as unsecured. As I am "all thumbs" when it comes to computer stuff, I resorted to my other computer and spent several days to solve the issue unsuccessfully. I checked the firewall. virus protection, and the browser settings (FireFox). Tried the Chrome, Edge and Opera browsers as well. Then I read about how the newer versions of Windows and assorted browsers had updated their security requirements and webmasters who did not update their associated ssl certificates would be blocked by these new rules of the road. I got my answer on day 3 when it was suggested that I close my internet connection for one minute then open it so it would reset. Now I am back and can access all sites BUT I am warned about the status of each website's security settings by the symbol that appears to the extreme left of the URL "box". If other members of websites are having this problem, contact your webmaster. I did on December 31, 2021. No answer...and do not give a f*ck anymore. Sometimes you have to throw the baby out with the bathwater and maybe the mother too. That aside, Klara Schmidtz of Hungry For Hits Traffic Exchange had the foresight to prepare her members, in advance, for this increased security and has posted relevant information here: https://blog.hungryforhits.com/security-warning/ and here: https://www.ssltrust.com.au/security-report?domain=hungryforhits.com Naturally if you trust an unsecured website and do not end up blocked from it, as I was, go on in but do not post credit card information, social security number, personal phone number and so on. Just the routine name, rank and serial number. Because such a site is not encrypted and ownership is not validated leaving it open for a hacker. I must assume my problem was resolved when I reset my computer internet connection. Nonetheless, ten days are lost and I am reassessing whether or not it was worth joining certain programs and investing time and money in them. At the whim of a webmaster and updating a simple f*cking ssl certificate. Perhaps I should have taken up knitting or line dancing. Hope the above is an alert for program owners and a helping hand for their members. In the words of Phillip Esterhaus (Hill Street Blues) "Let's Be Careful Out There"
  3. That is a lot of money and I sympathize with you as I have never lost more than pocket change over the years. What more can we do? For starters, he's making a comeback in launching several programs simultaneously. They all have the same type of website design and yet are not named. You get the promise of free gifts or a chance to win cash if you sign up by a certain date. These programs are right now being heavily promoted on Mailers and TE's. Report these sites as scams or send an email to program owners who are allowing his programs to be advertised. Program owners on this forum have done as much but others either do not know about him or just do not care. If a program owner knowingly allows a scam artist to promote on their site, well, the hell with them too. The only way to shut him down. He is using these programs to groom future investors whom he can embezzle. He touts himself in the links I have posted above as the "Quick Start Coach" and he is Quick when it comes to other people's money. And there are many places online where you can report him. As he is a Canadian (Nova Scotia) the government has a site here: https://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/report-signalez-eng.htm His latest campaign of nameless, same styled websites, with alluring promises assure him of great prosperity but also stain the reputation of the program owners who unknowingly aiding and abetting his campaigns by allowing him to use their services to promote this web of deceit. Get the word out to them.
  4. Just came across a new promotion going around by the name of Ultimate Traffic Freedom. And as it is a cloned website, aka Mathew Graves, that made it suspect. On signing up. I got the following: Hi, Thanks for joining Ultimate Traffic Freedom The member's area is live and you can log into your account using the member ID number and password which has been sent to you in a separate email. Here is a quick overview of how it works ... 1. Our system will send you emails of ads from other members. You click the links in those ads to earn credits. 2. You use those credits earned to send your ads out the the membership. If you have 500 credits, you can email 500 people. 3. Other members click on the link in your ads and visit your website where they can signup or buy. Safelist marketing is a really simple system that works. My entire list has been built by advertising on safelists, so the "proof is in the pudding", so to speak! You will be receiving a lot of emails from the system. Each time another member sends you an ad, it will appear as an email in your inbox. That can mean 50 - 100 emails per day from Ultimate Traffic Freedom. It can be overwhelming. The solution to your inbox being flooded with emails is simple. You need to setup a folder for each safelist program you belong to and then use filters in your email program to automatically put the emails from the program into it's own folder. That way, they never appear in your inbox. When you need to earn credits for Ultimate Traffic Freedom, you can simply go to that folder in your email program and all the messages are there. I showed step by step how to do setup filters and organize your inbox in a recent YouTube Video. Take the time to watch the video and setup your mailbox correctly. It will save you endless hours later. Click to Watch Ending Email Overwhelm You can also build your list of referrals and earn commissions by promoting your referral link to other marketers looking for the next new wave in traffic generation. You can find it in the member's area under Promotion Tools. Click to Get Promotional Material in the Member's Area Premium Membership also gives you 1,000 ad credits added to your account everyday. Premium Members also earn 50% commissions instead of the 25% commissions for free members. You can purchase a Lifetime Premium Membership at this link: Click to Upgrade to Lifetime Premium Membership You can purchase a 90 Day Premium Membership at this link: Click to Upgrade to 90 Day Premium Membership You can purchase a 30 Day Premium Membership at this link: Click to Upgrade to 30 Day Premium Membership No matter which route you take, you will find Premium Membership to be an excellent way to more than triple your marketing power for a very small investment. I will be sharing more tips and tricks to get the most out of your membership over the next few days. Until then remember ... Take ACTION to Supercharge Your Success. Matthew Webmasters, Former Victims, Potential Victims, please take note of this individual's history as per the testimony of others recorded here. Addendum: Another clone here currently being promoted: An Innovative New System Just Launched That Earns Big Checks. Getting signups is easy when you have a truly compelling offer on something marketers need. This NEW product replaces ClickFunnels, AWeber, Get Response, and more. It provides all the tools for effective email list building and marketing at a single, easy to use, site. Click Below for Info on How to Earn! Click for Info!Copyright@2021 They all have the following domain: https://offers.quickstartcoach.com No point in listing them all here. Sad to see this but unavoidable.
  5. Back in the days of "Paid To Read", circa 2002, when I first started out, I was ripped off by a number of program owners. But never to the extent of hundreds of dollars. And yes, I did join one or two of Mr. Mathew's surfing programs but never made any money from them. That said, I think it prudent that we who are known as honest, inform victims of scam operators, who they are, what they did to you, what are they up to now, and report their present and likely nefarious activities to as many future victims NOW. He has relaunched WebBizInsider, using 5,000 free credits as bait, and this program is sucking in many new victims and is under the label "Quick Start Coach". His name does not appear on this website. http://offers.quickstartcoach.com/wbi-form/ If you go here you will find the parent website: http://quickstartcoach.com/ If you read the "about section" it seems Matt has accumulated enough wealth to enjoy both Nova Scotia summers and Florida winters. From his LinkedIn profile, as of 2015, he purports the following: Founder Quick Start Coach Oct 2015 - Present 6 years 2 months Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada and Winter Garden, Florida Founded an online coaching company for entrepreneurs offering training programs as well as one-on-one and group mentoring in the areas of technology, marketing, process improvement, and personal success. Legally, I do not know, given that his actions are criminal in nature, if he can be pursued in this regard. Or just the rudimentary "Wall of Shame" inscription. BUT let people know your experiences with him. Warn people about his latest "endeavors". Being honest is not slander. Hell, I joined this site just to out him as much as I can. As for his being sick, Branny, I would say yes, but not in a physical way. More of a moral malady.
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