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Marketing Checkpoint


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  1. Hi I'm Dana, I live in the Seattle, WA. area. I am retired/newly disabled due to a couple different conditions. I was in the tech field but was diagnosed with laryngeal cancer in 2018 and thus had multiple surgeries and as a result lost my voice box. However they got the cancer and I have been cancer free ever since. But just as I am learning how to get along with my new 'voice' and the hole in my throat, I was somehow stricken with a very rare & dangerous condition called basal invagination - basically my skull was sliding off of my spinal cord! So another HUGE dangerous surgery later to hopefully fix it just to find out it didn't work and I am now stuck this way. (with my head at a tilt) So ANYWAY I am not sharing all of this for a pity party but this is the reason I started looking for another way to produce income - online. I was ALWAYS looking for 'that one thing', but never this seriously you know. But I just refuse to just sit back and live the rest of my life on disability and call it good! I am still young enough to make something good happen! So I have been dabbling in affiliate marketing by myself now for the last 4-5 months, with zero success, when I recently ran across the Prosperity Marketing System and thus, this site/forum. Hoping it takes off soon! Good luck to you all!
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