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Marketing Checkpoint

Tom Rooney

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Everything posted by Tom Rooney

  1. Sounds like some very good advice. Thanks Captkirk
  2. I understand and accept it. To be smart in an endeavor like this, it's always good to remember this saying: Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is knowing not to use it in a fruit salad! Increase wisdom with the knowledge you gain.
  3. Hi, Tom Rooney here from the US, I've approached digital marketing from a total "splash" approach of searching and buying programs or memberships to supplement my retirement income. I have tried various methods for about 4 years now and have not come upon the definitive approach that fits my lifestyle and demeanor to be successful. I continue to move forward since I believe I will match my efforts with the right process to grow wealth in my senior years. I will not quit reaching out for my dream, and I know that it takes work and dedication to get there. To your success, Tom Rooney
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