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Marketing Checkpoint


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About amjohn6868

  • Birthday December 4

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  • Interests
    Online Business, Crypto

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  1. I just started building my list and it's great, BUT I haven't engaged my list with new content much besides YouTube videos. I would really like my main business to take off but it is slow going. I'm just going to keep focusing on building my list to get more people involved, that's all I can really do...
  2. I would possibly turn to Bitcoin if that were possible but if I lost my PayPal account I would probably be angry!!!
  3. Hi, I'm Andrew. I have also had a knack for computers since I was a small boy. I am currently using an ASUS laptop with military grade specs. I find the "military grade specs" interesting because it's very durable and fast. Anyways, great to see you here...
  4. 10x the visitors with less work? If you're sick of wasting hours and hours doing mindless busy-work to earn traffic credits... Credits you can only use once... And always waking up right back where you started... Broke and needing traffic! Then it's time to get smart about traffic. 1. Stop chasing single-use traffic credits. Don't waste another minute on clicking ads, reading emails or traffic surfing. 2. Build ONGOING traffic systems instead. Use your precious time to set up permanent systems that will generate traffic even when you stop working. That's it! Once you finally get off the click-for-credits treadmill you'll realize just how many options you have to generate real visitor traffic. Traffic that keeps on coming long after you knock off for the day. And you'll kick yourself for all the time you wasted chasing single-use credits. So it's up to you... do you want a complete traffic system, that will run forever? Check out the site below...
  5. I like how leadsleap has a funnel manager so that you can organize your pages...
  6. Hi, I'm Andrew I've been on a marketing journey for about two years now and I'm just starting to find some success!!!
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