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Marketing Checkpoint

Sean Supplee

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Sean Supplee last won the day on August 2 2021

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  1. not all safelists are the same and some offers convert while others don't. Simply put every niche out there has a unique target audience you cant blame the safelist unless of course it is very poorly managed. I dont see how you can sit there and say they dont work at all. Maybe they didn't work on your ad but they work on my ads and I make few thousand from them each month. But there are about 70% of these so called safelists that are just complete junk. That goes for the traffic exchange world though as well
  2. Honestly PTC is a huge waste of time 1. Its hard to find one that will even pay you 2. Is your time really worth a few cents every hour? Pretty sure we could all be doing something more productive if you where serious about making money online.
  3. It's your job as the affiliate or the marketer to make the offer stand out to make that browser or non interested person become interested. Its not the safelists job to do that. Their job is to get as many eye balls to your ads as possible.
  4. Agreed on a viral mailer though the reporting system is a bit different you should include some details for the report about the excessive pop ups on the site. After review we can then add it to the banned list so they can no longer promote it. If we see an account continue to do it for me anyways would be a suspension of the account.
  5. I wish Facebook would stop changing their fan page set up lol. The apps I used to have running on my fan page become obsolete and you can no longer use them. There was one where you would display a message to non fans to get them to fan in order to unlock the video or content. It was a very lucrative way to building a quality fan base. Just having your fan page everywhere you can seems to be key now but not everyone sees your feed anymore either. Its become what I like to call a FOS (Facebook optimization system) lol
  6. Yup exactly, It all depends on the product and over head costs. I'm pretty sure amazon pays you like 3% to 7% somewhere around there but that's a huge business people are attracted to and some make a good living from it. Every niche and product has their own commission percentages based on a number of factors
  7. Many new sites have come out claiming they are Co-Ops but are they really? (opinions welcomed) A co op by definition is "Definition: Advertisements by retailers that include the specific mention of manufacturers, who---in turn---repay the retailers for all or part of the cost of the advertisement" Most so called co ops are making you send traffic to other peoples pages and earning a credit this one credit is then used to display your site on any number of sites it is being rotated on. Not only that but they also allow you to BUY credits. To me the whole premises of allowing someone to BUY credits on a co op and then having that co op show up on my site is right out reselling of my traffic credits on my exchange thus in reality stealing money from my business and I violation of most sites TOS which is not allowing resell of credits. To me a TRUE co op would be a funded source a pool of money which each person buys into each month. Then that pool of money is used to buy advertising at any number of sites and then used to send traffic. Instead of it being credit based everyone in the pool now gets an even share of the advertising that was bought. The benefit of joining a co op is to get more exposure for your business at a lower cost then it would take for you to outright buy the ad yourself. Which is what makes it popular with many start up and small businesses. Opinions, thoughts ?
  8. eehhh to me bad, all its doing is inflating clicks and honestly he should just remove the dead beat accounts i'm sure at 25k almost 30k now its time to delete some inactive accounts to get CTR's back up. The amount of emails you have to click to earn enough credits or cash you have to pay to email every one at least to me is getting a bit out of hand. All I see the paid email section doing is increasing CTR but for the wrong reasons.
  9. Traffic exchanges and viral mailers are a unique advertising method, just like Google Adwords and Facebook ads are. You have to test, track and tweak your campaigns to the point where your results are better then the month your investing and/or time spent. Like with any marketing method you need to learn it adapt to it and create custom campaigns that get you the results you need. For viralmailers and traffic exchanges it comes down to two things. 1. Not all traffic exchanges and viral mailers are good some are beat up bot and cheat magnets (which you will see in your tracking) find rankers like affiliate funnel, traffic hoopla etc to get a decent idea of where to first focus your attention and then expand on it slowly. 2. Normally long sales copy wont work but if your page is built right it still will. Your opt in or join button should be above the fold and a big headline that draws people in to get more information or want to join your site is key. Do split testing with separate headlines as one person might read something and pass but then read another headline that relates to them and end up joining.
  10. few things on this topic, If your site has no anti cheat what so ever then you are totally open to bots and other garbage traffic which is just going to inflate stats and ultimately destroy your site. On the other hang a longer timer really means nothing either yeah you can force someone to have your site open for 30 seconds but good chances are they will go off to another tab. The true ultimate mailer would have 1 site to be clicked at a time with a solid 10 second timer or a bit higher and force the page view. Why don't any mailers (at least that I know of) do this? Honestly id love to and ive tried lol but the numbers just dont hold the majority of members just dont get it and just want more credits and forget about trying to educate the masses tried that to that good old 95% 5% rule always seems to apply which sucks. However what all LFMVM and all other mailers should get in the habit of doing is clearing out your dang lists! There are so many crap junk accounts your mailing to on many of these sites its just dumb. But its hard to compete with a site saying they have 60k people you can mail compared to one that has a legit 3k people to mail. Just a numbers game and the "majority" of people dont care and just think bigger numbers are better.
  11. The commission value for me has to be 30% or higher. Anything below that is not worth my time but I understand that every product and services has its unique amount of overhead cost which might be why its lower. But its really not the commission percent that draws me to promote something. It instead is the quality of the program and the owner behind it. If its a great quality product with someone dedicated to making the site a success then sending people there is not an issue and I know I will continue to earn commissions for a very long time. If your promoting something and 90% of your downline leaves the program and stops paying for it after the first month then really what was the point? Quality over quantity any day for me.
  12. Your "Free" product should give away quality information but also build up what your Paid product is. So say you are selling an ebook or training you would take one method out of it go into full detail and then expand on the other 7 ways to earn which they can get right now for just $7
  13. I do believe 2checkout is already an option and is the same as Authorize.net in terms of a merchant account maybe going down that road? Ive used 2checkout in the past and its worked out very well a little higher in fees then paypal but at least is able to be accessed by more people.
  14. Been a while since I have seen one of those give away events are people still doing them? Guido Nussbaum used to do them all the time and Russell Brunson did one as well
  15. uhm Yes I could go as far as saying they are scams now with the launch of Kore4 Why? Anyone that ever JVed for or referred anyone to any of their TE's has just been screwed out of commissions. Unless you promoted CTP your pretty well screwed for promoting ILovehits, Startxchange, thumbvu, Sweeva. An Jerry you gotta look at the bigger picture. They have screwed over so many people to get where they are. The accusation of Adkreator is a whole cluster F and Sweeva should not even exist after the BS that happened there. Their entire business is a scam, screw over people joke WAKE UP ALREADY! Nor am I bulling you lol These are clear facts and people standing up for themselves who used to be afraid to because Jon O. would backlash at them in TE live and call them names and make up rumors to try and destroy their business. Take the time and gather the facts and you'll quickly see why you should support people like this.
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