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Marketing Checkpoint

Robert David Smith

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Robert David Smith last won the day on February 13 2016

Robert David Smith had the most liked content!

About Robert David Smith

  • Birthday 07/04/1953

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for sharing good info. Seems like Edge and Chrome are running faster now than Firefox
  2. I think the multiple VMP header bars were because the "sender" kept re-entering his newest generated VMP link anyway... Mozilla Firefox still wont allow the Ulti-Send add-on... Rererral Frenzy and Mailer Ninja (combined) mailer services handle 200-300 safelists quite well <<<
  3. trying to learn more on banners myself http://trck.me/340566/banner.jpg
  4. Hey There Fellow Marketers, Owner Kenneth Koh started Leads Leap in 2008 and in 2016 relaunched leads leap 2.0 with many added options Use the free cutting edge tracker with all your tested promotions. I love the AD BAR options and the all-revealing tracker statistics... Ten-Levels Down is Thousands of Referrals! Free members qualify for 5% over-ride on 10-tiers credits (real-ad-views clicked) after 20 referrals. Promoters like this! Get to 20% on 10-tiers downlines credit clicks and spill-overs. This business attracts promoters and list owners which can build your team to tens of thousands! Pros can post to all 10 levels and also to their permanent spillover down-lines. In Your Best Interest, Robert D Smith Note: Credits can be traded for CASH
  5. Yep if the STILLs I agree oldbuddy, If our STILLS are "determining" our business-life, what in this world will we really have to share? I may need to ask myself "one more time"...Why am I doing this in the first place? Who am I doing this for? Hopefully it is more by now than a "curiosity" or " distraction" or another "shiny object". No more excuses! thanks oldbuddy
  6. Thanks for asking Darren.. I really like Jerry Iannucci's "Safelist Marketing Tactics" It is an essential and foundational training about marketing and the mechanics of safelists and viral mailers.. I also recommend re-branding it and sharing it with your friends that may also benefit from it
  7. The click thru rate at a paid only should be higher right?
  8. So, should we be trying more for SEO or using advertising, if our blog is about safelists?
  9. Ad Troopers has sent a couple test Admin credit mails. I logged in from them and have already sent two messages my self and I still have all my credits.
  10. Yes I too would like to hear of others results with OP
  11. Is there a newly released TE training ebook similar to Click Thru Marketing or AAA? I would like to try TEs again if some one could point me to the good ones.
  12. Sometime its the persons ad link and not the Owners fault
  13. I do appreciate how this valuable insider info is available tor members to learn from. Thanks. Robert D Smith
  14. I would like to add the same banner more than one time. Many sites will not allow that. I figure if I earn the credits or have an upgraded account, that I should be able to use the banner more than once!
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