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Marketing Checkpoint

Jim Hipschmidt

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Everything posted by Jim Hipschmidt

  1. Has anyone purchased a list of business opportunity seekers from a list broker? How long ago did you do it? What was your experience? Would you do it again? How did you use the list, did you put it into your autoresponder? Thanks, Jim Hipschmidt ..helping others have more...
  2. I joined the 10k challenge when I started and it is basically a downline builder. I signed up over 100 folks and several of them upgraded and I made some cash. They work. I also sign on each of the programs that I join and I fill in the downline builders. I use them and they give me sign ups. They work. I am not actively marketing a downline builder currently, but I am still getting some signups. They work, or at least they are working for me... What say you?
  3. Milind, Thanks for the comments. I am enjoying it and I have just started split testing on trck.me. It is awesome. They have done a great job and I look forward to what the timtech crew has up for us this summer. I have yet to migrate some of my links and I will do that in the next several weeks. John Olson thanks for your comments and explanation on tetoolbox.com. Sean, I for one, look forward to your training. What say anyone else, what are you using and why? What do you want to see that you do not?
  4. William, Sorry to hear about your experience and that is great learning. Always check your links! What are you using to measure your marketing efficiency and effectiveness, now? Sean and Matt, Are you saying use google to shorten your links and google analytics to measure your traffic, etc. Without teaching a training, which I would sign up for, how would I use google analytics to measure the traffic that I get off of my trck.me link in the post above. Or is that possible. You guys may be talking about traffic to your respective sites, what say you?
  5. Hey, Darren and Matt are pleasant enough. I have spoken to them both, but for me it is about the results and the results that I am getting out of their sites, had me join this site and any other. I guess that does make me a follower! Lead on gents!
  6. They have a new one that I used for the first time that is getting me a great deal of results call Traffic2Prosperity, they have this blast, which happened to me today and gave me about 300 additional hits without credit. I should be able to explain it better later, but it happens everyday and there is a count down to it AND it just blasts you traffic. I do not know yet, what effect it has on conversions, but I like the idea. The timer is low, and they have rich surf rewards!
  7. I have joined the trck.me and am testing it. Further, if there are any other good ones, please let us know. I have used the free ones and I am looking for a little bit more data and I want to be able to manipulate my data to access my campaigns. What say you?
  8. What is the best website to really measure your clicks and conversions? What is the most accurate? What are you using? What is good about it? What would you change? Inquiring minds want to know.. Click/Conversion Tracking. Discuss...
  9. Isn't the key to this deliverability. I use aweber, like aweber, but I am always wondering what the best is for deliverability, does anyone have any data? I have a GVO account, as well, but I don't use it for autoresponder, however.
  10. William, bit.ly turned off all of the links for the 10K challenge. They have done it to other programs, check links that are broken and you can see others.... When I tried to get them on the telephone they were anything but helpful. We got it turned back on but it was several days later. I would just be careful as they were not very helpful once I called...
  11. I really enjoy the Adchievements that Adchiever gives. Not just because this is another Darren Olander site, but because they are awesome. I am an upgraded member and I have gotten several free months of upgraded membership with my Adchievements! The upgrade means I get to email the entire list of over 10400 and I get 6000 free without the use of credits! I also like Multi Site Solos!
  12. They have hit a couple of the programs that I was using with bit.ly. The killed our links for the 10k challenge. It took us about a week to get them to turn us back on. That was not just my link but EVERYBODY's link. They are hard to get on the telephone and when they did, they really didn't have a good response. If I were you, I would use the affiliate toolbox, http://affiliate-toolbox.net/?rid=3708 What do other's think?
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