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Marketing Checkpoint

Clare Bowen

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Everything posted by Clare Bowen

  1. Its probably one of the most overlooked ways that you can use traffic exchanges to your benefit. A friendly and helpful welcoming can have a long lasting impression and opens a line of communication that can be very valuable. Even more so when the person is new to marketing, which is fairly common in Traffic exchanges. I need to pay more attention to this, I don't always do it, but I should. Big thumbs up for that advice, Martin, for me its a good reminder. 0 Links
  2. There's a social aspect to many traffic exchanges, and I feel that many surfers are indeed quite open to interacting where its possible, so if that interests you, then I'd investigate that opportunity to network. And personal branding is one of the things that make you stand out and get noticed. You can use your picture and name on your squeeze pages perhaps. I favor traffic exchanges that have a profile pic and name for each member in the surf bar for that reason too. The more familiar people become with you, the more interest they'll show in what you're promoting and the better when it comes to getting conversions in traffic exchanges (in my experience). You need plenty credits, so that your pages are shown a lot, so keep an eye out for bonuses etc,
  3. Any updates? I see your sites are still down......... All outstanding amounts have been paid out as you promised?
  4. The sites are down pending a server move. I've just paused a lot of banners from the Your Viral Banner rotator site from displaying in our mailers because their links are currently broken. A lot of banner impression credits are going to go to waste all over the show unfortunately. I hope at least for the sake of people using this, that the sites are back up soon. 0 Links
  5. Interesting topic. While I'd say that some care should be taken to check up on correct spelling, I'm far more likely to pay attention to a pitch if its personally written, and some awkward grammar is an indication of that. There's a limit though. A leader does need to be able to communicate clearly enough to prevent confusion.
  6. Hi Darren I don't have a definite answer for you, but I did notice that both Carol and Bo had their photo on the site as owners until a few months ago, and now it is only Bo's picture..
  7. yay! Welcome back Terry
  8. Hi and welcome to the MC community
  9. Just a tip here. If you're finding zero results after quite a lot of mailing. Check that your site is even showing to members at all. Something like the s of https, for example can cause it not to display in all mailers, or ebay pages can be protected by them and not display. Your site should show in the site check when you submit it (you need to see that for yourself), or in the absence of site check, you could ask the admin to check on that for you.
  10. I got a sign up from Peki Mailer the other day Now 10 credits a mail,, but still a very small list to mail to. I get around 3 to 4% ctr there, but that's to a mailing of 230 or so members (10 clicks per send approx)
  11. Interesting study and interpretation, thank you for sharing.
  12. More and more old, zombie state mailers are being purchased, I assumed for the purpose of adding them to super solo networks. One owner, I've been told owns 40 safelists now I'm curious if anyone actually ever gets sign ups from super solos and are there some better than others? Or at least good enough to make it worth the money spent on them? I tend to avoid them.
  13. stv77 is one of the most active and dedicated members of both my sites. In reading mails, in sending mails and he has a downline of good active refs. Regardless of my opinions on what's fair or not, I don't think any site (or owner) can be considered dishonest regarding their active member count. Different sites have different active member policies and when someone registers with a valid email address, they have activated their account until, if or when, they ever decide to unsubscribe. I've been using many safelists for years, including MaryAnne's (hers are quite good by the way), and I have and continue to get referrals from them. Something about their sheer size seems to work in its own way to attract new members to them, and that works too. I just mail more often to sites that have a tight active member policy (like Darren's), and as mentioned above, ours are also quite tight.
  14. I guess stv77 and I are both missing the same points in this conversation
  15. There are other alternatives to deleting members and that is to stop them from receiving emails if they are not actively participating after a certain amount of time. Sort of a vacation mode. They can become active again should they wish to return, and their accounts remain intact. Methods of doing this would depend on the script. We do this in both our mailers.
  16. Yes, this process of reputation destruction is already well underway, believe me.
  17. The promo code has changed since the original post This is the current one. Members need to surf 20 pages to complete it Surfers Code: Happy2018Trend 200 Credits, 1000 Banner Ads, 1000 Text Ads, 25 Square Banner ads 0 Links
  18. I think you need to be careful when saying that a site does not pay out. I'm sure this site has paid out plenty and continues to do so. Whether the owner behaved fairly (or ethically) or not, well that's open to interpretation I guess. Anyway, good luck to you, we all learn lessons as we go, its good to share experiences.
  19. To be fair, he should have honored your request to be paid your balance given the circumstances. That's my humble opinion.
  20. Residual traffic is a nice form of free traffic, though it takes some work to build up. Many safelists and TEs give you a percentage of the credits that your referrals earn. Then there's viral traffic which can be generated in various ways.
  21. If you stay tuned to the traffic sites that you belong to, like mailers and TEs, especially ones with active admins, you'll often find promo codes and rewards for free traffic credits :-) Look out for admin mails, admin blog posts, know the member's menu, and check member's home page from time to time. And remember that "free" means no monetary cost, but your time is a limited resource, and not "free". Value your time online and be productive with it.
  22. On my local bus stop, there is an ad for a McDonald's burger meal deal. I'm not there to eat, I'm there to catch a bus, and there isn't a McDonald's outlet in site, though you can be sure there is one nearby :-) I believe in banners, and use them as much as possible in places that I advertise my sites heavily in. Even if they don't get clicks, they reinforce your product or message. And the same for text ads.
  23. I didn't notice a reduction in mails coming from all mailers - some are still very active, but yes, a reduction overall and a reduction in actual safelists. I agree with both Bruno and Maryanne, and with that, I'd say that quite a lot of owners appear to have lost interest in their sites and in maintaining a quality list. Sites like this have very low activity, less reason to send, less reason to click, downward spiral. Too many contact solos or even worse, network solos coming from a credit mailer site also make it seem rather pointless to send from.
  24. We have the option available to affiliates at Trend Mails, Harmony Mails and Trend Trax Pro to be paid with Google Pay.
  25. This is such a great thread. It will surely help a lot of people, thank you for this. I'll just add this here, because it can become a constant battle and huge time waster if you don't. Start and stay organized, in your pc, your browser and especially in your email inbox/es. Clean your files, bookmarks, emails up often.
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