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Marketing Checkpoint

Daniel Gonzales

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Everything posted by Daniel Gonzales

  1. Hey! Much cleaner, site is moving faster. Great upgrade D!
  2. And I might say, Marisa is a great person to learn from.. IF anyone reads the above post listed by Marisa Specogna, please click her name or photo here on MarketingCheckpoint and click "Profile" tab.. Her website listed here in MarketingCheckpoint has a great deal of valuable information, from the same website I suggest to get her newsletter subscription. ON the topic of "change and overcome fear of talking to people or selling," she can recommend a variety of tools and training to help move into the right direction with your business! Being a native from Northern Italy, she has the life experience to really help anyone who is looking for a boost in their global approach for International business relations. Please visit her profile and get connected! DG~
  3. Hey Robert! Using TE hoopla or taking full advantage of it depends on what it is you are trying to accomplish with "getting traffic." I'm more than willing to help you see how TE hoopla has been helping me. I'll send you friend's request here on MC. DannyG~
  4. Positive personality type? Now I can see, once someone earns the "set of emotions" that carry the optimistic outlook for success, it's difficult not to be positive on any topic, mainly because we have learned that positive results come from positive input. Occasionally we have instances where we experience a positive result from a negative input of energy. I believe the leaders that display this positive energy every where they go, know and believe like I do, that we have no other choice but to carry a positive tone on any topic regardless if the topic is on business or product promotion. It's a highly addictive way of life. I believe this is a learned skill, not something we are born with. Overcoming fear on the topic of prospecting? YES, Rudi has it centered in perfectly... DESIRE. Desire to share something great that has helped your own life is an unselfish act. When money comes into play, prospects can "read" or pick up on this variable. Creating a balance between "making the next sale," and "genuinely helping other people," is one of the biggest challenges for some people to overcome. Demonstrate a desirable mode of conduct, yes and some folks will begin to mirror your activities. However, Rudi said it right... If someone just does not desire a true financial result after learning about a solution, their actions explain loud and clear. There are plenty of ways for people to change their finances, if remaining "shy" outweighs the challenge of talking to people or selling, then please "find a project where being shy and not talking to people makes more money." Trying to find ways to become "un-shy," or trying to find ways of overcoming fear of "talking or selling" is a long confusing road. Instead of finding ways to overcome this, simply be on the look out for small opportunities for "overcoming fear," to find you. The next time you are presented with a business situation that offers fear, stand up and march straight into it. Stay focused on what your product or opportunity has done to help you, and be open to transferring that value to someone who might be in need of the same product solution or presentation. What your emotions learn, can be addictive. The next time around, look for an emotion that says "wasn't so bad, let's try that again."
  5. I might add, Tezak Traffic is one of my favorites! Certainly not an easy accomplishment, congratulations Tony for being in the TOP ranked te's in the world ;-)
  6. The best way is to position yourself as a broker. Get into the practice of distributing new sign ups and leads to the leaders on your team. I have access to an online movie that explains the foundation of this idea, let me know through PM, ill send the movie right over.
  7. Matt hit the nail on the head! That's the best quick advice anyone can give or receive, experience plays a huge role.
  8. Hi Jim, thanks for adding me as a new friend here on MC... On the topic here, I can show you where and how to get the best leads for purchase. Also, same system lets you generate your own as you learn how to place the right ads. If you send me a private message here on MCheckpoint, let me know and ill respond with a link so you can see what the leads experience before the system grants them access to you. The leads are put into a very nice education funnel so they can see where home based business started, why it grew so big around the world, where its headed, and how they can begin participating through your sponsorship. DG~
  9. Yes indeed Ernie. Its a very useful tool in many ways. In fact, its great tool to help newbies learn the concept of a downline builder. Some marketers focus only on finding the "experienced" team members for their organization. Im someone who also focuses on bringing in "newbies" to the industry for the first time. The greatest wave of growth into the home based business industry has yet to come. The wave will be created by millions of people who have never touched a home based biz opp before,, these people are looking for the right training. Including Traffic Hoopla into your collection of training tools is a very good idea.
  10. Yep, thats what I understand Ernie ;-) What a journey it's been since 2003.
  11. Traffic Hoopla is the parent of TE Hoopla and List Hoopla... From inside your traffic hoopla account you will see area where you can save and update your referral ID's for TE Hoopla and List Hoopla.. Also vice versa, inside TE and ListHoopla, both sister programs allow you to insert and save your original Traffic Hoopla referral ID... So no matter which one you advertise, they are all interconnected, each one has its own set of downline builder sections. TE Hoopla and List Hoopla were designed as an extention of "list1 and list2" which are separate downline builder sections within Traffic Hoopla. List1 represents the top Traffic Exchanges, List2 represents the top safelists. There is a list3 inside Traffic Hoopla, but these are programs that are NOT in either category of "traffic exchange" or "safelist."
  12. oh boy! Dont forget about T.Hoopla, I can say for sure this is one of the longest running downline builders available. Over 10 years now? Does anyone know of a downline builder that was in place and functioning before Traffic Hoopla?
  13. Great question Ernie! As the standards rise, so will the incomes ;-) MarketingCheckpoint is a great example of a new standard emerging.
  14. Ohh K, so not a complete stranger. Thought that would be most interesting call to receive from someone you've never meet ;-) Cheers! Great story Rudi. DG~
  15. Very interesting Rudy ;-) How did this gentleman find your phone number?
  16. IT is the individual, "beholder of the downline builder" who is responsible for "innovative spin." The downline builder that requires less "personal touch," the less effective that downline builder becomes long term. So which admin offers the best? Anyone, anyone?
  17. I think I found the perfect book to help leaders develop! What really impresses me, the book is also helping existing leaders become more effective at breeding leadership in their specific company or organization.
  18. Very common, this concept is becoming very popular by demand... "What no downline builder?" Seems like downline builders are becoming as common as "speed dial" offered from buying a new phone. Ahh, but what kind of downline are we focused on? Single tier affiliate downline? Multi Level downline? I don't believe all downline builders are created equally. So which downline builders are the best?
  19. Yes, succeeding with a downline builder usually takes strategy. Most of them claim "plug-in and play." This success you desire must correlate to personal effort and willingness to go above and beyond what others are not willing to do. Are you using the right downline builder for "you?" Are you sending enough traffic? What is enough traffic anyway, how do we know? Are you picking up the phone and making the personal connection besides autoresponder follow up? Does your downline builder have the right autoresponder letters? Does your downline builder provide you accurate contact information from those who join or opt-in? Does your downline builder advocate additional income streams that provide legit and useful products? Ask the right questions, imagine the best strategy, find the right sponsor for you. I believe I have found the best downline builder in the world. So far I haven't found one that works better. Nor can I find anyone to tell me about another that works better.
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