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Marketing Checkpoint

Steve Jones

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Steve Jones last won the day on September 5 2015

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About Steve Jones

  • Birthday September 5

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  • Location
    Michigan, USA
  • Interests
    Photography, Writing, Making Money Online...

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. If you haven't heard about this yet, you will! This is a totally new concept using some tried and true ways to get results, and adding even more of brand new ways to use some of those results to make this a whole new way of looking at Internet Marketing! As I said, you will be talking about this more and more once you see the setup! This one of those systems that will change many things. The only question is are you going to get early or wait until everybody else has already joined? Check it out...
  2. They are an up and coming company that started to do business in the US a couple of years ago. The thing was HUGE at the time was the computer that would fit in your pocket (which is why I signed up months before they were even open in the US) that would power the 3D glasses in HD, plus many more things. That was on the top of their list at the beginning. They were, and maybe still are, pushing a cellular service and solar panels that they wanted to connect around the world. They do a lot (at the time) helping to build schools, etc. in Africa and wanted to continue helping third world countries. They seemed to have dropped the Wor(l)d Space Computer and Wor(l)d Lumina Glasses which is why I got into the company in the first place. The CEO is Italian and is one of the people that designed and patented Touch Screen Technology. Hopefully, they will go back to the "pocket" computer and glasses one day. It was, and still is, an exciting idea!
  3. Steve Jones


    Just wondering what happened to the Zubees. They are hard to find these days. What's going on that many of the sites have either gotten rid of them or you need to upgrade to get any.
  4. Does anybody use Constant Contact? If so, what do you think about it?
  5. I signed up with them a while back just because the price was so low and it was a curiosity to me at the time. I have yet to use them though so I don't have any information to share. I'm working with another, larger Hosting Service right now but may try a Squeeze Page to see what happens. I'll let you know how it goes!
  6. They have never helped me. I don't really waste my time anymore. It's amazing how many text credits I have at various sites. I wish I could trade them in for banners, etc. (Hint, Hint) Oh well, maybe I'll try to use them again. Maybe not... ...
  7. All good information! Thanks MrClean! Steve Jones SWJonesMI@gmail.com
  8. Zubees are kinda fun... ... I never planned on that making or breaking whether I join a site, but now, I do have a few sites that I go to each day just for the Zubees. I've been a member here from the beginning. Whether we have Zubees or not, I will still be here... Steve Jones
  9. I'm trying, again, to put together a WordPress site. I've tried before and just got too frustrated after a week or so that I moved on to another project . I WILL figure it out this time! (that's what I'm telling myself anyway!) ... ... Steve Jones
  10. I have experience in some of the requirements for Online Marketing but until you actually do it, you really don't understand what's involved. It's a whole new world when you go online and try to make money!
  11. To me, I think that it's important for some people to be able to connect with me if needed. The thing about phones these days is that the call you make these days is directly to the person you need to talk to. It used to be, not that long ago really, that you called a Land Line and hoped the person you wanted to talk to was there and available! Now, who you call, with cell phones, is only the person that you're calling! Things do seem to change quickly these days compared to say, 10 years ago! I, myself, prefer to talk to somebody directly if I need something. If I have to leave a message I can only hope that they will respond, but I know that it went to them and not someone else! Oh, and by the way, I do not go online through a phone. I only return calls or answer calls with my cell phone. Everything else happens through my computer.
  12. I think that Robert Dorsey makes a lot of sense! Most of the people that will read what you write will be able to understand and relate to what you write if you just write in a way that most people can relate to. I remember reading once that most, if not all, TV series were written for the 8th Grade mentality because that was the level that most people understood. Of course that would change somewhat depending on who you were talking to and what the focus of the situation was in a social setting or in a technical group situation. Steve Jones
  13. Hmmmm... something to think about! I didn't realize that that was even out there. Thanks Comfy!
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