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Marketing Checkpoint

Ralph Phillips

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Everything posted by Ralph Phillips

  1. Everyone who joins a safelist, a viral mailer, traffic exchange or text ad exchange, joins for one purpose only, to make money. Many of these programs offer upgrades where those who can afford the top ones receive no emails from the members who can't afford the top upgrades or didn't take them. So if they're not reading our ads, they're not going to buy from us but they want us to buy from them. We are always quick to criticise if what others are doing isn't pleasing to us. Everyday people are tricked and scammed on the internet legally as well as illegally but no one cries foul if it's friend or family because everyone wants to make money. Don't you think? People are always looking for ways to be more efficient. I learned to surf fast and click for credits fast from a number of people. And I'm sure I'm a lot slower than thousands who learnt to do these things before me. Over the years in my life, I've learnt that people always find a reason to justify what they did, are doing or want to do. It never ends.
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