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Marketing Checkpoint

Steve Man

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Everything posted by Steve Man

  1. Well I was surprised to read the above as I have had dealings with Jon Olsen going back over 10 years and never had any problems. I see its been resolved now so good luck if you decide to use any off there other products.
  2. Yes traffic exchange owners need to be more active in vetting splash pages being shown on there exchanges.Of course this might hit there profit level. If there no contact details then be suspicious.
  3. Thank you for the warning.
  4. Yes Captkirk is dead right your profile pic and your sig file and getting involved will give you valuable exposure to you and you product or service.
  5. Well its simple the powers that be world wide could just shut these people down and maybe fine the hosting companys that allow them webspace. Then the hosting companies would pay more attention to what there hosting on there servers.A nice $10k fine to start with followed by jail time for persistant offenders.
  6. Thanks I joined last week and with my thousands of connections thought this will be good.First day showing $30 but I was doing some research about empwr and came across lots of negative postings and like you some one trialed it for 90 days on purpose and yes hard to get payout. Why the powers that be allow such scams ???? When this empowr could have been shut down max end of the first 90 days that they mess around with paying out wankers !!!!!!
  7. My strategy is to use a mailer program to promote a Safelist. I also promote the mailer program its self.I use Referral Frenzy and get steady increasing results as each month passes.
  8. I surgest studying Clickbank which is a good place to start marketing products online. Once you have done your research and chosen a product/service you will now be thinking about how to market your product/service. Read about marketing in here and ask some of the marketers here any questions. Using Safelists social media sites ,traffic exchanges will start you off. See my sig below RF is a great program to boost your marketing and get you on the right road to being profitable.
  9. Hi Jonny I have been online since 1995 and for some years now I only concentrate on traffic generation programs.Have built downlines in Mlm programs prior to that on and 10 years off line. Regards Steve
  10. You don't most people run out of steam after the first Blog then just dribble comes out. There time would be spent much better doing other forms of marketing.
  11. Hey Matt I find most blogs are just dribble and no use full information and maybe some have entertainment value. I personal think the time devoted to blogs could be spent better else where marketing wise.
  12. Does any one know where the owner is for LiveTrafficNetwork Safelist he just disappeared when LiveTrafficNetwork went off line.he went under the name of Smith I think.Any way I want to beat the crap out of him he owes me comms and if your reading this you wanker either send me my money owed or keep looking over your shoulder as you never know who will catch up with you. And that goes for all the other wankers who start sites then decide its to much work and disappear you to need a baseball bat taking to your legs. Donot con and rip off people they tend to not like it.
  13. Well I never use my cell phone or landline and use email,messanger chat, ect to commuinicate. Before the internet I lived on the phone in the MLM days so was so pleased when the internet came along. I say horses for courses.
  14. Welcome Risktaker69 this is a great place to discuss traffic exchanges and other methods of marketing.
  15. That's great Matt
  16. Just a idea Darren I am not that clued up to how these coins work but they are a incentive and I see many people collecting there coins daily.
  17. To add to my last post I created a Marketing Checkout group at Facebook and 72 people have joined but have not done much with it in the way of adding monthly content.
  18. Here is a long shot idea Darren Zubee coin ? It will bring people back to claim there daily coin and a lot more. I am sure you have seen it ? And perhaps you not keen on something like this ? Take a look here http://zubeezone.com?rid=7779 Perhaps if integrated with Marketing Checkpoint Zubee coin would generate more visitors ?
  19. Any body shed any light on whats happened to Live Traffic Network been going for some time and now Account Suspended ? And yes he owes me comms now wheres my baseball bat. And all that time spent building a downline all wasted.
  20. Hi David there are good quality exchanges housed under one roof at Referral Frenzy see my sig file below. You can mail them from one template speeding the whole process up. The mailer is for Safelists and Traffic Exchanges .
  21. Well lead purchasing is a sure way to get reported for spaming unless your using a lead that has never been mailed now that is a gold nugget lead ? Most leads have been sold to hundreds if not thousands of people and by the time you mail them the complaints are piling up at the servers. So how much is a quality lead $25 $50 or $100 each and you order says 5000 which is not a lot that will cost you wow yes megabucks with ROI lighty to be in the red. So by all means purchase leads if you have proven results and the mlm company your promoting gets no spam complaints. If not avoid avoid avoid and use lots of other methods to get leads.
  22. Use trackme to track your urls and use Referral Frenzy to shortcut your way to using top exchanges and safelists.See my sig below for RF. Join social media sites like this one and create groups invite people to your groups where they can see your url. Make new connections daily in these media sites. Set up autoresponder and use lead generation splash page in the exchanges. Each exchange you join take the time to join every thing with in the exchange ie banners,txt, ect/. The above is the very basic and Iam sure not being articulate have missed some thing out how ever bear in mind I have been online for along time making a profit every month.And I have won many referral comps in downline building.
  23. That sounds like a plan. Not many of these type of programs last.
  24. I see you mentioned WORLDPROFIT ? Is it the scammer Dr J Lants program ? If it is avoid it.Google his name will be enough to show you about this scammer.
  25. Free traffic or paid traffic well so called quality paid traffic. Results can vary so much down to ad copy the splash page or autoresponder system your using if any.
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