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Marketing Checkpoint

Linda Hoknes

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Linda Hoknes last won the day on November 20 2020

Linda Hoknes had the most liked content!

About Linda Hoknes

  • Birthday June 4

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Saskatoon SK Canada
  • Interests
    I enjoy Internet Marketing, learning new strategies
    and techniques from other Internet Marketers.

    I enjoy being on the Internet (I have lots of
    spare time for advertising, learning, etc.)

    I also enjoy my 2 pet cats, going for walks,
    meeting new people.

Linda Hoknes's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have now officially cancelled my membership on all of Matthews remaining sites that I was using. I spent 6 months, all day long, advertising his sites. I also upgraded on WhatWorks4Me...which never launched at all. Plus a couple more upgrades. My commissions were not a lot of money, but that's not the point...he can't spend people's money before he pays them. So I put in a lot of time advertising and got nothing in return, but a feeling of embarrassment and regret that I ever endorsed his sites. In a few days, I am launching my own little mailer and I will be sure to block any of his sites from being posted on my mailer, that's for sure! Don't wait for payment from Matthew, because it will never happen. Psychopaths don't have any remorse for doing something wrong...maybe that's his problem
  2. I have never received a payment for commissions from Matthew Graves. No replies received to emails I sent him over and over again. So glad that people are stepping up and shedding the light on what he is doing. As of today (Oct 4th) I am going in and cancelling my membership on ALL of his sites. If you keep on using his sites, even as a Free member, we are just enabling him to continue on with his scams. There are lots of other marketing sites to use...send him a message and STOP using his sites completely!
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