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Marketing Checkpoint

Michael Camire

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Everything posted by Michael Camire

  1. mistracy39 I see no one has responded to your post from May. First, I would like to address your statement that Worldprofit cost to much. I'm not sure what you're basing this on. My suggestion would be to first sign up as a free associate and view the video and all that Worldprofit has to offer. I'm not aware of any other program that offers everything a marketer needs under one roof. If you're still interested in the different rotators, solo ads etc., Worldprofit has to offert, please let me know and I will be more than happy to help you out. Michael Camire Worldprofit Platinum Member
  2. Great advise - thanks for the article. Michael
  3. I use a couple of tools to surf traffic exchanges, TE Browser which was recently revamped and working much better and I also use Quick Tab Change. My two favorite TEs are Songbird Clicks and Crystal Surf. Michael
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