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Marketing Checkpoint

Phyllis Wolfe

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Phyllis Wolfe last won the day on August 20 2019

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About Phyllis Wolfe

  • Birthday March 22

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  • Location
    Manitoba, Canada
  • Interests
    Reading, Animals, Human Behavior, Health, Fitness, Leather Work, Cross Country Skiing, Helping People, Life Coaching

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the replys. Took awhile before I heard back from my support ticket. I think it is the same owner as Referral Frenzy. Sorry for the delay in response.
  2. Does anyone have any information about Hot Website Traffic? I haven't been able to mail there for a couple of weeks because it says it is full. I sent support tickets but have gotten no response. Also, I am not receiving any credit emails from them either which was also part of the support ticket. I would like to know what is happening so if you have any information please let me know. Thanks!
  3. Is there any recent news on John? I agree with Darren. If the site is still up, how come no one was assigned to look after it. Very frustration!
  4. Wow! Great write up! You could do reviews. Thank you very much downliner. This extremely helpful.
  5. I am still using Pay Pal and haven't had any problems with them but there are so many businesses that don't use them any more and I do understand what they have done. Can any one recommend a Payment processor that can be used anywhere and don't charge a subscription price? If you have had good experiences buying, selling (receiving your commissions, money) please let me know. Thank you.
  6. Elite Safelist is gone again. Wouldn't it be nice if some of the owners making the decision to go offline would let their clients know lol In the Real World.....
  7. Thanks Clare. That's unfortunate and sad to hear.
  8. Hello All Just wondering if anyone has any info on Traffic Wonderland? Is it another TE that has quit? When I went to sign in, it says it's parked by Go Daddy and they are asking if anyone wants to buy the domain but not the name. Sad if they are gone!
  9. So sorry to hear that Cynthia! No one should be treated that way! Can't blame you for not joining anything he owns again. MrCleano325 sai earlier, someone else has bought the program and he is correct. The admin sent out emails telling people they can come back to the program. Once I've lost money and trust I won't go back. All I can say is Good Luck To the New Owners! Must be a mess to clean up.
  10. I think if you want to join a program, your due diligence is more important then forming a judgement of the person by their picture. Do you read people's posts who don't have their picture posted? I do. You can get a feel for someone by the way they express themselves. If I had a brick and mortar business, I certainly would not turn down a $500,000.00 contract because I didn't like the other persons face. Most people who are using avatars do seem to be using the same one all the time so it is easy to recognize who they are when that avatar comes up.
  11. I don't think saturation is a problem. There's always room for more sign ups in older programs and there are so many new programs coming out, it's amazing!
  12. I'm thinking a lot of affiliate programs have the word "free" as part of their advertising and that word is enticing to people, especially if they are newcomers, to the internet. Sure it is "free" to sign up, however, once inside the program, they find out they have to pay to make any money. I do think it can be misleading. As far as getting people to upgrade, a welcome email offering to help them, (as has been said) giving them your email address, and telling them about the program, is certainly letting them know you are available to them. I don't think selling them is the way to go, as they are already signed up. It is now their choice whether they upgrade or not. Also I find, lots of people signing up for a program think they can work it for free. Quite a few programs offer a small commission to free sign ups and they think they will not have to pay to make money. So maybe telling them what the upgraded benefits are would help. Such as, I am an upgraded member and this is what I get from the program. I would also like to mention here that many affiliate programs have a down line builder which has many more programs to join, which makes it overwhelming to some people. Once you join all those programs, you are expected to upgrade also, in order to work the program properly. This can run into a fair amount of money. That may scare people away from the program once they sign up. In my opinion there is no one way fits all. Trial and error. If something works, keep doing it.
  13. Very Curious? Who bought the program, anyone know? Is it up and running? New owners, more money to be paid?
  14. Funny MrClean, I received that email the day before he shut the program down! Doesn't give anyone much time to deal with their lists.
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