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Chemical Free Living

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  1. Its a fine line to say the least especially when you have more responsibilities other than just worrying about yourself. A family person may have more to risk by taking the dive...saying that they also have more to gain. I would suggest the best time is when you are able to replace at least the majority of your current income (if you are just living pay check to pay check) with your new business and if you are the main bread winner in your family. If you don't have those responsibilities then the decision may be easier for you. Personally I have just started a small business with my fiancé on top of my current job. We have been setting up our base platform, making sure we have our t's crossed and i's dotted and now are spending more and more of our time invested in growing our business. When our new business generates my current income I will then go full-time. In a perfect world I would just quit my current job and jump straight in...don't know how much my mortgage would love that though. I know I would. - Dan
  2. An enjoyable read. Got quite a bit out of it. Thank you for posting. - Dan
  3. Hi Harry, Patricia is right.It is hard. I have been listening to some Jim Britt Audio clips lately and he has some insight into time management. He breaks up his day into minutes, actually 15 minute blocks throughout his day. He kept track for an entire month every 15 minute block and analysed his findings. He found that he was not spending his time efficiently throughout the day and by the end of the day he wasn't accomplishing as much as he wanted. He reorganised his time, prioritised his daily routine and found that he had that extra time he was looking for. I highly recommend his Audio CD series "Cracking the Rich Code" for what I have listened to so far. I only started the series a day ago and am just about all the way through the 20 CD set...very inspiring and covers Time Management as well. Hope that may help. Good luck! - Dan
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