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Marketing Checkpoint

Ken Waggerby

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About Ken Waggerby

  • Birthday 02/06/1986

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tillamook, OR
  • Interests
    leadership, advertising

Ken Waggerby's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hey, weekly surf party with Live DJ, weekly surf contest, free manual traffic exchange one of a kind plays music in the surf frame you can even request songs using your tokens also allows you to put 30 or 60 second audio ads that's not all you can also find CTP XP, CTP Badges, Zubees and HotBucks. What ??? I think the best part is there's a way to surf from your mobile device in case you're on the go so check it out it's free you can earn commissions as a free member and you'll be able to chat with other surfers as well. You can get points for just about everything you already do and win a prize every week plus you'll hear good tunes while you surf! http://soundsurflive.com/?rid=1030
  2. Hello, if you are like me you need more time to focus on getting the results you need try this new program Banner VIP online already two and a half months since launch by Maryanne Myers who is also owner of multiple traffic generating sites she is super savvy online business person with multiple sites up and running going she has been at it since the nineties! Easily get your banners massive exposure free, fast and you can even make money, ladies and gentlemen! http://www.bannervip.com/solojv This new site is from an 18 year history, ELITE advertising network also offering a cash opportunity along with advertising. (Freebie Offer: 100 credits and 2 draw tickets upon signup!)
  3. I know I have seen that before; the extra credits for the upgraded. So I think if I want a lot of traffic I should do some research and get some money together so I can be prepared to buy in bulk! That makes a lot of sense, thanks for the advice!
  4. Hi, I just want to know more about getting the best traffic in the best traffic exchanges and what exactly does that mean if I'm to make my credit package purchases going around the hottest sites looking for the hottest deals. I am often joining traffic exchanges wishing I had the cash to take the OTO upgrade offers and have only had the pleasure of taking a couple of these so now I am also looking into things like safelists and paid to click. I don't really surf so much as many of the top surfers, but I have been joined at some pretty cool sites I think and it has been a trying and learning experience. I think once I am established or better off I might like to launch my own program one day to help beginners on their path?? Please share some knowledge/experience, some advice? I would be willing to share some of mine as well! Thanks, K
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