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Marketing Checkpoint


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Everything posted by DrMillionaire

  1. Thanks for the update. That is very very sad indeed.
  2. Thanks CaptKirk. I've contacted them numerous times trying to find out what's going on and have not received any response.Whatever the problem is it's affecting all their affiliate websites. Cash In On Banners, Adviralizer, AZAdboard and Hot Links Cycler. You'd think they would have the decency to notify their affiliates of the problem instead of just leaving us in the dark.Very unprofessional.
  3. So is anybody else having a problem signing into their Cash In On Banners website.
  4. So can anyone tell me what's going on with Cash In On Banners. The site along with all it's connecting websites, Adviralizer, AZAdBoard, etc are down. Anybody know what's going on.
  5. Hi Terry, Welcome back.
  6. Hi jentop, Welcome to the website. Wishing you the best of the best and continued success.
  7. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. LOL. If such a place existed we'd all be rich.
  9. Thanks for the info. I never got much response from this site anyway.
  10. I also prefer Firefox even though I too have noticed delays when opening multiple tabs. The response times still beat all the others mentioned.
  11. I prefer the free sites with the option to upgrade. Also, I prefer those sites that offer affiliate options that allow me the opportunity to earn commissions. I then use the commissions earned from the program to pay for my upgrades.
  12. Thanks for this information. Another non-paying program is Cash Link Ads. I earned and requested payments on two separate occasions each for over 100.00 in earnings and never received any payment. When I contacted support they then posted to my support ticket that payment was made. But it was never payed. Other members began posting in there email ads that they were not getting paid and many were asking in there ads 'Has anyone gotten paid with this program"? So I recommend that you pass on this program. If there are any members here who are a member of Cash Link Ads and have gotten paid please let me know? Cash Link Ads
  13. Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality. There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought. You have the ability to quickly change your patterns of thought, and eventually… your life experience. Take 15 minutes daily, thinking of pleasant scenarios regarding your body, with the sole intent of enjoying your body and appreciating its strength and stamina and flexibility and beauty. When you visualize for the joy of visualizing rather than with the intention of correcting some deficiency, your thoughts are more pure and, therefore, more powerful. When you visualize to overcome something that is wrong, your thoughts are diluted with the “lackful” side of the equation. In time, your physical condition will acquiesce to your dominant thoughts The Law of Attraction says that that which is like unto itself, is drawn. In other words, that which you think, in any moment, attracts unto itself other thoughts that are like it. That is why whenever you are thinking about a subject that is not pleasant, in a very short period of time, most of us, upon any subject that we ponder very long, attract enough supporting data that it does bring forth the essence of the subject of the thought into your experience. You are the only one who creates in your experience—no one else. Everything that comes to you comes by the power of your thought. If there are changes you would like to make, it will be of great value to begin telling a different story—not only about your body, but about all subjects that have been troubling to you. As you begin to positively focus, getting to feel so good about so many subjects, you will begin to feel the power that creates worlds flowing through you
  14. EARN $20 FOR GIVING AWAY $20! Get your free credit card! And get paid $20! You get paid $20 for every one you Give Away! Imagine... You are paid $20, over and over and over... No Application, NO CREDIT CHECK! Just sign up and it's yours. It don't get any easier than that. http://allsolutionsnetwork.com/cgi-bin/d2.cgi/HG114385/netspend.htm
  15. You owe it to yourself to explore your possibilities and dreams. Yes it will be hard work. Yes you will experience disappointments, and yes fear will try to paralyze you and stop you in your tracks. I encourage you to keep going in spite of these things. Keep your focus on the feeling you will have once you achieve your dreams. Keep seeking that feeling of excitement and joy. React to fear the same way that you do in driving a car. We could be so stuck in fear because the possibility of a car crash is high, but most people drive anyway. Fear is merely a risk that you must analyze and decide how to manage it as you keep going. Never allow fear to stop you, rather use it as an opportunity to evaluate what you are afraid of and then try to lessen the probability of it happening.
  16. Just Go Here and get this Free Money Making Website. There is no investment required ever. This absolutely free business has extraordinary earning potential. This business allows you the ability to earn from 1000's of different programs, It is without question The Most Profitable Business on the Internet Everything on the website earns you income, Plus, you can actually get paid for your normal shopping at Walmart, Amazon, and a host of other stores.... By making it simple for Anyone to earn a little we've made it easy for Anyone to earn a lot. Just click here http://trackerboard.com/go.php?id=11861
  17. Excellent question. Like Capt. Kirk I post ads continuously throughout the day but that's because this is what I do full time I am a internet marketer full time. It's all I do. However, I find that I get more responses to my ads between the hours of 7 and 10 PM. and for whatever reason Wednesday and Thursdays are the days I receive my highest response. Why that is I don't know. You would think that Fridays and Saturdays would generate more participation but for me that has not been the case and i have been doing this quite successfully now for 15 years. Also, what you are offering is more important and makes all the difference in the world as to the amount of responses you will receive from your offer. Most people are trying to get you to join their business or program so what you're offering and where you're posting your offer will determine greatly on what type of response your receive. I promote mostly advertising, software and cash generating programs. Programs that pay me to advertise while building my businesses and programs that assist me with operating more efficiently and effectively is how I like to roll. But getting back to the question as to the best time of day to send your offer it depends on the following: 1. What are you offering? 2. What type of service are you using to send the offer. 3 Your persistence and consistency in promoting the offer. There is no one proven system that I am aware of as to when to send your offer you just have to send it over and over and over, don't quit and if what you're offering is beneficial to others it will in time pay off.
  18. When Dealing With PEOPLE , You Need # two EXTRA Sensess; A Sense Of "HUMOR" And A Sense Of "PROPORTION" There's No Growth , No Development With out Change , And The Very Easiest Part Is To CHANGE Your Mind . Until You've DONE That You Can ACHIEVE NOTHING !!!
  19. Very informative. Your points are very good. Thanks for sharing
  20. Hi, You have probably heard some of the hype going around on getting paid to do simple jobs on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. These are called ‘Social Media Jobs’ and they are a really hot trend in the job market right now, but what exactly are they? How can you get one? BECOME A SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETER Well here's really interesting article that explains exactly what social media jobs are and gives insider details on how you too can land one yourself. It explains exactly how you can become a Social Media Marketing Manager and get paid doing small Social Media jobs on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. There is a lot of money in this industry and now that the secret is getting out more and more people are starting to get interested and involved in these types of jobs. So if you like the sound of it I highly recommend that you check it out now before the competition gets too fierce. LEARN ALL ABOUT IT HERE
  21. Thank you Darren. This is an awesome addition to the website
  22. The greatest and most marvelous power which we have been given is the power to think, but few people know how to think constructively — or correctly — so consequently they achieve only indifferent results. Most people allow their thoughts to dwell on selfish purposes, the inevitable result of an infantile mind. When a mind becomes mature, it understands that the germ of defeat is in every selfish thought.
  23. I am a upgraded member of the program. It allows me to send to over 2000 members weekly. Although I receive at least 50% response to my ads I have not made many sales.or referrals to my programs. Most members are promoting similar advertising as mine. I don't like the fact that they don't provide a way to contact your referrals or that they don't pay commissions for upgraded referrals. But for the most part it is very safe to install and depending on what your marketing it has potential.
  24. Hi Captkirk, I would have to agree. I have found quite of bit of success from using the various free advertising websites. In fact I have had success with some of yours.
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