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Marketing Checkpoint

David Perkins

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi Robert, As Daniel states, it does depend on what you are looking to accomplish? If you're looking for more downline members in the Traffic Exchanges you surf, then add your referral ID's in TEHoopla's downline builder and watch the numbers rise as time goes by. Plus, if you surf the Traffic Exchanges listed in TEHoopla... you'll get better results as these sites "STATISTICALLY" perform better than any other sites! Hope that helps. Daveylee
  2. I lost count a LONG time ago were it regards how many downline builders I have my referral links included but when it comes to the ONE that I get the most new team members through it's the one from TEHoopla.com that does it for me! You get 21 links as a free member and 42 when you go Pro. There are literally thousands upon thousands of members and new ones all the time. By the way, these 42 sites are the 42 sites that STATISTICALLY give up the most return for effort expended. Surf them or advertise on them and you'll get the greatest return and... more new downline from that downline builder.
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