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Marketing Checkpoint

Alan Findly

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Everything posted by Alan Findly

  1. They have me blocked--I do not know what crime I've committed--yet they continue to send their solo ads, etc. All I'm trying to do is "unsubscribe" to stop the solos. My crime was years ago, yet they keep me on their shit list. Must have been a dasterly deed.
  2. The master (Carnival Barker) is making his pitch: "Join me and I'll make you rich." What do I have to do? "Don't worry, you can trust me." But the terms are never divulged But wait: back up. He has you identified: "A tire kicker" if you start talking refund. In an underhanded, sleight-of-hand sort of way, the Barker has you pegged. YOU. If you EVEN THINK about a possibility of a refund, that puts you automatically in the group, tire kicker. The game goes on. And on. And on. As long as I allow it, the Barker is in charge: If I don't trust him, I'm in that despicable group. I want to shout: NEVER. It's never off the table Refund. Let's face it, it's looming up as my only resort, so it always must be in the background of possiblity. But if you stay with Michael Cheney long enough, that is, if you allow him to define who you are in his little narrative, you will never discover what it is that is expected in the exchange, or non-exchange. This is the original link: https://secrets.abrasivism.com/geoff-bonus/secret Did I mention to be careful? Sincerely, Alan Findly PS: Look, I do not endorse this, nor do I agree that reimbursement later takes away the stain of association.
  3. A trick maybe nobody's aware of, yet: after getting the first subscription set up, he then increases the frequency of the charges ... I've never known a subscription shorter than 30 days, but if it's not defined on the front end, I guess it could happen. Anyhow, then BLAM, he starts hitting you every 3rd week, then 2nd, pretty soon it's every 3 or 4 days. PayPal has helped me recover some of the over-charges, but not enough.... I was in 4 of his mailers. The nightmare began & luckily I monitor all my PayPal charges, so I caught it, not soon enough, but .... get this: even after PayPal started awarding me refunds, ole Matthew kept those charges coming. He'd refund one, just to comply with PayPal, I suppose.... & days later re-charge. I'm so glad to be finally rid of the pit bull. ~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~^~~~~ My website: AlanInRonan.com
  4. I'm in SFI, always get paid on time, and regard the program as outstanding. About the purchased PSA's: they're a problem in any program. I regard them as prospects, even though they are called "affiliates", and, as prospects, they must be mentored & nurtured. This requires effort. The initial communication is critical, which is probably why SFI gives them access to the Chat room. I always try to establish rapport with a new sign-up right away, within the first 24 hrs, if possible. But, again, this problem is not unique to SFI. I don't know why but there seems to be a lot of young folks who think they can get something for nothing. Peace.
  5. aussiegold: You are right, of course. Precious metals will never lose their mainstay position as a standard of permanent wealth. But the current debate between the establishment(bankers) and the technocrats is about conveyance. The techies have an edge in the debate, right now, because of Blockchain and the security of conveyance--once a transaction is agreed upon it cannot be intercepted if conveyed digitally utilizing the Blockchain software/process. A lot of people have bought into the Blockchain side of the argument, as can be seen by the value of Bitcoin stock, approx. 730 USD. I'm not a player in this debate, but I sure do enjoy watching from the sidelines! BTW, the current US president-elect has made some noises that he wants to put the US back on the gold standard.
  6. The Blockchain technology(behind all the so-called crypto currency's) has started a revolution in the banking industry that I find humorously fascinating because when seen in it's pure form, that is, a person-to-person transaction, it virtually eliminates the middle man(the bank). Now, after ignoring it for these some five years since it's invention by one man, the banks are suddenly trying to jump aboard. The banks, who hold most the world's (fiat) wealth, are now outsiders, with respect to this new technology. Oh, they're swaggering around like they knew it all the time. But they didn't, and they don't(they actually don't know how to get control of it--which is what they're trying to do, now that the cat's out of the bag, so to speak). The one man, BTW, is Mr. Satoshi Nakamoto, who IMO, is a genius and should be hero of the century.
  7. Yes, I prefer PayPal. SFI tries to steer ya into Payoneer, but the fees are quite a bit more, although it seems to be reliable. As for SFI, all of the positive comments in this thread are true, in my experience. It's a great company to be affiliated with, and just like any profitable business, if you want to succeed--it's up to you. At SFI, you will be rewarded for your effort, to be sure.
  8. Thanks for this post and bringing up the subject of "easy". I believe there must be a distinction, though, of "easy" versus "simple". The business model of network marketing, as you have outlined, falls into the category of simple, that is, "easy" to understand. But running a business, succeeding at it--making an actual profit--is not "easy". No, no. Success requires hard work, due diligence, constant attention to detail, and probably a thousand other errands of toil. Is it all worth it? You betcha!!
  9. I use Hootsuite and consider it awesome. IMO its the best way to schedule & retweet. I haven't done enough with Buffer but plan to go back & reconsider.
  10. Thanks for that sordid history, troysavary, that clarifies things a lot.
  11. So, they (Empower.com) are virtually giving money away? Sounds like a profitable venture. Must be a government enterprise.
  12. I found one that works, and that's the one I'm in. So, when you are searching for something, it will always be in the last place you're looking! Now that I've found it, I'm looking for people who are looking for what works. I do not consider TE's to be MLM, even though someone might stretch the technical definition to be paid several levels down. TE's are a tool we use to advertise, and that's all. If you own a TE, I believe your primary task is still advertising, in fact, even more so, since you have to advertise your TE helping others to advertise ... etcetera, etcetera, etcetera! TE's have evolved. I think there's another thread about this, but I remember the "good ole days" of TE's when you could get a free founders upgrade that meant something. Or, when you could get 1:1 surf ratio as a free member and even better in some cases. Now, everybody has a "downline builder"--and that, BTW, is the highly recommended way to utilize TE's. I was in the downline builder of all downline builders--Diving for Income--which was not a TE, but rather a membership site that promoted TE's!! It worked very well for many years, then the owner got tired and instead of selling it, he just made all the graphics proprietary, then sold it. But it was never the same; why, I still haven't figured out. lol.
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