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Marketing Checkpoint

Anderson Goncalves

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Everything posted by Anderson Goncalves

  1. That is one of the reasons why I like Darren's mailers because he scrubs his lists periodically for inactive members, that guarantees that I am sending my emails to active members only. Those are the ones that I click for credits daily and I can be sure that I am not wasting my time. What happens is that many owners just prefer to brag about the X number of members their mailers have without mentioning how many of those are inactive for a very long time. Maybe they just don't realize that they don't necessarily need to remove those inactive members from their sites but instead just turn them to inactive status.
  2. Definitely! They are perfect for promoting multiple programs with just the same amount of effort I would spend promoting just one. And I also build my list at the same time
  3. I surf with the sound off too ... if something catches my attention then I turn it back on.
  4. "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." ~Maya Angelou ~Maya Angelou
  5. I think saturation is not a big issue, but often used as an excuse for some to jump from one program to another looking for that magical, push-button set-and-forget money making system ... There are so many new people coming online each day, especially in today's economy, looking for ways to build an income from home.
  6. I don't know what you've been trying to promote. I can say that MC mailer is one of my best mailers and I get consistent signups from the mailings I send out. I recommend you use a lead capture page with an enticing free offer that gets people's attention and interest in subscribing to get more info. You can create awesome LCPs and splash pages very easily using tools like AdKreator and Onyalist. Good luck!
  7. Wondershare Filmora is a good one for editing, adding special effects and a lot more. Windows also offers a free editor called Windows Movie Maker which is simple and easy to use and you can easily find tutorial videos for this on YouTube. To capture computer screen I use ActivePresenter (Free) or Camtasia.
  8. This is weird :/ Try to access the site using this proxy server: https://hide.me/en/proxy (just enter the site URL and click on Visit Anonymously) If it goes through, I think the issue is likely on your network...
  9. Marsha, could you reboot your modem and then try to access the site from any of your devices? I can think of a possibility why this is happening ... Unless your IP is not static, rebooting should resolve the issue (if that is what I think it is).
  10. Are your other devices on the same network? Have you tried to reset your modem/router?
  11. You may want to try to clear your DNS cache. Just open the command prompt on Windows. (Run > cmd) Enter the following command: ipconfig /flusdns If it runs smoothly you will see the following message: "Successfully flushed the DNS Resolver Cache." Then open your browser and try to access the site again. It is strange that the same issue is happening on your tablets too.
  12. I can't recall where I read it but someone mentioned that the owner of BlackDiamondMailer sent out an email to members, in the first week of November, saying that the site would be temporarily closed for updates.
  13. I found out today that ListSurfing now has Bitcoin as an option to receive commissions.
  14. The upgrades are really affordable. I have an yearly Pro membership, which allows me to mail over 75k members every 48 hours.
  15. I send out a welcome letter to introduce myself and let people know that I am available to help them if needed. Welcome letters usually get a high open rate so don't miss out this perfect time to start a good relationship with your new subscribers.
  16. I get most of my signups from mailers. I am a member of 100+ and counting! Tools like Referral Frenzy, Traffic Zipper and ViralMailProfits can help a lot to manage them. Tracking your results is crucial to find out which mailers are worth your time and effort to get credits, I use and recommend Smart-Url, it does much more than tracking and allows you to add exit opt-in pop-ups (I get new leads daily using this feature) to any affiliate link and even brand it with your picture.
  17. Exactly, Tommie! Many people just read about opportunities and what they are supposed to do but they take no action at all.
  18. Many TEs and Mailers will give you some x number of text ad credits every month as part of your membership. I have them set up at all sites where I get them and they eventually generate a new signup. I noticed that at some sites the credits run out very quickly with a considerable amount of clicks while others have no clicks at all, I think it all depends on where the ads are positioned. You also have to be creative in writing the ads within the few characters allowed. I treat them as a bonus, it is a good surprise whenever I get a signup from them
  19. Focus on building your list.
  20. Action is what brings good ideas to life, as Gandhi once said "Without action you aren't going anywhere".
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