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Marketing Checkpoint

Roger Allan

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Everything posted by Roger Allan

  1. Hey John.. I just sent you a FB friend request.. perhaps we can connect and chat... I'd be happy to help you get on track with your BIM/EN business
  2. I've been with Empower Network for 1year, and have bought all the products (All In) I have a small team but they have also bought the products (followed the leader) and I have made more money with EN than with any other Internet Marketing Opp.... and I've done very well with some other programs in my 15+ years online. The secret is being part of the right team, that has a duplicatable system in place. I'm with Vick Strizheus "Big Idea Mastermind" the #1 earner in EN, who has personally made close to $3 million in the last year starting with a list of just 1,600. Vick has provided us with the most professional and complete marketing/followup system I've seen in any prograam, with step by step setup, marketing training and most importantly built in upsells (The real power in EN & Big Idea Mastermind is in the upper levels) As I'm typing this I'm on a BIM webinar, and the BIM system is just being upgraded & automated with some AMAZING features, inhouse buyer traffic sources, call center followup with leads and tons more features. This will put building and EN / BIM business on autopilot. If you are or were in EN on an inactive team, don't dispair... we are soon implementing a feature in BIM that will enable me to offer a basic "no charge" membership in our team, in order to give access to our tools, traning and system. If you'd like to have more details feel free to PM me. 200,000 + EN members and 26,000 ++ BIM members can't be wrong !
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