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Everything posted by Lee1390335936

  1. Congrats CaptKirk, sounds like you are getting to be an expert at this Zubees game bro! I will definitely have to look into it moving forward because it really does sound exciting and a whole lot of fun This is what keeps me up at night and if everything goes property I will have lots of time to also become an expert if I like this Zubee game. I will check back in to see how things are progressing with you okay * Peace http://masteringtech.com
  2. Sounds kind of fun and although I have never really heard of this Zubees, It is intriguing enough to look into. How long has this Zubees been around? Anyway, I see there are a few people on here that like Zubees. Perhaps I too can catch the excitement moving forward! Enjoy!
  3. I have not ever heard of this VTG, what exactly is it supposed to be about? why is there no content describing what type of program or opportunity this is? Very confused as to how this is considered to be some type of article. Anyway, giving you the benefit of the doubt perhaps someone forgot to cut, copy and paste? If You Hate Biz Opps But Still Need Money? Perfect. https://incomeoffer.io/thariches4all/2
  4. Hi Kari, Thanks for the post about IBOToolbox . I have used this platform from time to time and think now that I have read this post will return there and see what more they have to offer me. I do quite a bit of marketing online these days, whether it is to promote myself as an artist http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/lee-mccormick.html or when I'm sharing my teambeachbody health and fitness business http://challenge.gettingfittogether.com/tharichesbody/the-challenge/. I also help other marketers with traffic generation as a certified partner with High Traffic Academy which is the foremost authority on advertising, conversions and sales online today. Who knows, you perhaps may know someone interested in becoming a Super Affiliate? http://9nl.pw/f34m If I can be of any service please feel free to connect with me here or on Facebook okay * Blessings
  5. I think IBO Toolbox is a very underrated platform for networking and although I don't use it all the time I do find it to be a good way to meet and network with other marketers. I just opened up the site and will be looking to promote our brand new cybernetic technology today. This software is our new proprietary technology just released to the public on August 15th, 2015. If you or any business builder you know would like to view our demo or would like to apply to become a reseller. Go here >>> https://automatedsalesintelligence.com/thariches4all
  6. Hey Guys, How are you doing on this fine sunny day? Well, at least it is sunny on my side of the world here in Northern California. I was wondering if I could ask your opinion if you had one as far as who in your valued opinion would be the top mentor in the online marketing niche? I thought I would take like some type of survey you know, to see what your perspective was relating to what mentor out there could be considered the best due to the results he or she has helped their students to achieve. I have been privileged to have learned some things that have helped me out financially from a couple of well known names in the industry but I wanted to get some other names from some of you here at Marketing Checkpoint and perhaps get to know more about others who are just as successful. Any of your comments or questions would be greatly appreciated as my intentions are to one day be able to boast (not sayin' I would though), or at least proudly exclaim that I'm making a significant income strictly from the internet! Looking forward to hearing some of your insight and any thoughts you may have about are mentors an important part of ones growth. Talk Soon- Lee McCormick http://leehow.strikingly.com
  7. Hi Rudy, I think you have asked a very sensible question and have also conveyed several approaches to start earning an income online. It all sounds much simpler than it is however, because to be able to create a solution based product of your own will certainly take some type of testing which will require knowledge, resources and of course money! I would recommend taking the educational path to learn the do's and don'ts which will not only save you money but will increase your earnings and staying power. You want to find the right system which feels good to you and one you can feel proud to share with others who are searching to find their own prosperous path. Just my thoughts. Lee http://leehow.strikingly.com you really need to get the knowledge! https://clkps.com/click.track?CID=307809&AFID=359876&ADID=1404583&SID=
  8. I recently opened a share-a-sale affiliate account but have not begun to promote any of their products or services just yet. Do you think that self improvement is for someone who is not familiar with coaching should get into or should I just try to promote something different. Appreciate any advice, thanks for sharing and good post! Lee http://leehow.strikingly.com
  9. Hey Matt, How are you? Someone was just telling me about Shopify the other day and although I had heard about it , I wasn't really grasping what it was all about but now feel intrigued to know how it all works. Absolutely I would like you to expose me to Shopify and thanks I appreciate you reaching out to share with and help someone like me get the answers to my questions about Shopify. My contact is : Lee McCormick Richmond, CA tha.riches@yahoo.com You need to check this out NOW: https://ce945.isrefer.com/go/blpamazing/worksmart
  10. I personally have chosen the path of utilizing advanced software applications and other platforms to build everything from capture pages to websites that will generate an income stream online. I would absolutely agree with the coming age of Saas platforms, CMS platforms and tools to get ahead of the curve of what is to come relating to marketing and advertising. Here are a couple that I have aligned with; ARP (Auto Recruiting Platform) http://autorecruitingplatform.com/thariches4all which has so many awesome components to it , to list them all would take up an entire page, but trust me the SMS technology alone is well worth a look. The second one is ClickFunnels http://ow.ly/KUHSb and this one is so incredible you have to watch the video and you will certainly want to add this tool to your advertising and marketing arsenal. Thanks for sharing Matt and Paul, best of the best to you! Lee McCormick Certified Q-Partner 510-375-4446 automatedrecruiter@gmail.com
  11. I have experienced not more than an echo when trying to advertise any opportunity or offer within the FB groups. I believe it feels like everybody is just yelling at one another! The FB graph is my recommendation for success on FB, as well as relationship marketing. If your promoting any opportunity I think it is more important to connect with new people on a more personal level before ever exposing your link to them. Some people are never going to be convinced they can make life-changing income unfortunately. Just my thoughts, Lee McCormick http://facebook.com/rtimedesign Here is something of value for those who recognize * enjoy http://doobleecash.com
  12. I agree that the content one posts to their blog is very important if not the most important part of keeping viewers interest. To gain more and more subscriptions you must be able to share fresh topics that are compelling to a broad spectrum of people. This is just my opinion of course but the ads on your blog should be kept to a minimum so that it does not appear that is the main intent which diminishes interest of the viewer! Regards, Lee McCormick Visual Artist http://fineartamerica.com/profiles/lee-mccormick.html
  13. I think you are really right on when it comes to who it is really up to as it relates to making a success out of whatever opportunity you are involved with. It is always easier to blame outside reasons as to why your latest greatest biz opp or mlm is not generating the kind of income you want and need. I myself do believe in multiple income streams but one thing that has brought me the best results is to stick to it and focus on one at a time until you begin to see a profit before moving on to another deal. Great post about this and keep up the good posting moving forward! Blessings Lee McCormick
  14. Thanks for the submission on wearable technology. I think it is really cool to see innovative devices integrated into fashion, and even though they have a way to go as far as getting all the functionality the public will be craving for. The entertainer Will I.Am from the group Black Eyed Peas is bring a wearable phone/computer/watch to the general population called "Puls" stay tuned for that one! http://www.cnet.com/products/puls-smartband/
  15. Hey Rudi, I read your submission relating to how important buildiing a mailing list is and I appreciate all of the tips that you have suggested to build a good list of subscribers. I have used several of those same methods and have had some fairly good success. Also, I currently use SMS technology to build a list of potential business partners, clients, and subscribers which I believe gives you a better targeted list for future connection to promote products or services to as well! I look forward to reviewing more of you articles moving forward and thanks for your suggestions and advice once again. Regards, Lee McCormick Certified Q-Partner automatedrecruiter@gmail.com https://autorecruitingplatform.com/thariches4all Google Hangout: http://arpsystemhangout.com/?id=thariches4all
  16. Nice piece of insight Rudy! I do believe that when a person first has an idea that they would like to make money from home using their computer as the vehicle to make this happen, they get caught up in the hype of someone convincing them that it will be very easy and almost change their daunting situation overnight, which most experienced marketers know will never happen because this is work and dedication, testing and re-investment. Most of those who are looking for a quick fix to their situation will eventually quit and exclaim that everything is a hoax or scam since they unfortunately did not have success. Nice read, thanks
  17. I have had very little success as far as recruiting goes when just posting different links into Facebook groups and most marketers that I have connected with say the same thing. As far as Facebook goes I believe that if you want to see good results then you might try the paid advertising method, and utulize the FB graph to find targeted prospects for whatever opportunity one is promoting. These however are just my thoughts and others may find success posting into various groups? You can find me on FB to connect or friend request * blessings Lee http://facebook.com/rtimedesign
  18. I will definitely consider using this new payment portal and had no idea about this being made available so thanks for posting this Darren. Perhaps their restrictions relating to business opportunities will be more entrepreneur friendlly as well as the amount of business one can do over 10K.
  19. Hello, My name is Lee and I also would discourage those who are considering using Twice Confirmed Traffic as I was totally disappointed with this B.S. service and fortunately I saw the light early and closed my account 2 days before my 30 days was up do to lack of traffic to my opportunities. When I decided to cancel my account I contacted them and they tried to convince me that it was my opportunities that were the problem when I knew this was far from the truth as my opportunities are some of the best out there and are converting otherwise. They apologized and told me that I could still continue as an affiliate and that they put $20 back in my account and I could view this $20 in my back office which actually was there. However, the catch is that you can not withdraw funds unless you have at least $25 in my backoffice which would mean I would have to continue paying the monthly subscription fee (yeah right) Also, if anyone out there is considering trying HyperVSP please think again as I tried them only to be totally disgusted with them and their shady business with no phone number or physical address to the company, you can't reach their customer service at all practically as they never respond to the email address given for support. The only time they did respond was when I submitted a cancellation request and said they had never received the 8 or 9 other emails I submitted to them prior to cancelling (go figure)
  20. Yes, I think it does matter how much the commission is for an opportunity because you will have to more than likely perform the same amount of effort to make the sale, and so you may want to get the most from your time spent. Possibly if a program or opportunity has a lower than average commission it could be there is igher sales volume averages, meaning that you will sell a lot of the product which may make up for the lower commission. I personally look for commissions that are either top tier or at least potentially going to pay 50% - 100% in commission payout.
  21. Thanks for sharing the info about Stripe my friend, I have been using PayPal seems like forever so it is good to find one more resource. I just went onto the Stripe website and I like the fact that mobile is also integrated into their payment system!
  22. I agree that it is important to stay focused and you can absolutely become successful providing that you are willing to reinvest in your business !
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