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Marketing Checkpoint

Walter Latty

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Walter Latty last won the day on October 18 2015

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have been a member of TER for a while now, but I seem to be having a little problem using it. So far though, I think it is a great program. One day I WILL get into it fully.
  2. I guess t's too late for me with this one. However, I do want to know you think of Email Syndicate/Click Force Traffic.
  3. I think the site is pretty interesting. I've been a member for a while but wasn't really using it. I've just started to use it regularly so I'm waiting to see what kind of results AI get.
  4. I haven't read throhgh all the answers to this question, so maybe someone else has given this reply. If they did, it's worth repeating. First thing is to build your list. Second thing is to build a relationship with your list, get to know them and their problems, then find the solution to solve their problems. Who knows, it may lead you to creating your own program and JACKPOT!!!
  5. Can someone explain to me what Binary Options are?
  6. I am still trying to figure out Traffic Monsoon. I bought an ad pack, but the only thing I nticed is that my credit ratio has increased. Haven't seen any share of rev. yet and it's been a few months now.
  7. Thanks to everyone for the info concerning DBE. I signed up some time ago, but I've pondering the upgrade whether or not it would help me.
  8. Great info, thanks.
  9. This is totally awesome!!!! Thanks a lot, Darren
  10. This is great info. Bad thing though, I had to learn the hard way. Now I know I am not the only one who thinks these sites are a waste of time.
  11. WOW! Now my head is spinning. I used to think fast timers were good, but now having listened to you (the experts), I have to rethink my surfing :-) As a novice, I have to confess that I have gained some insights from your discussion, thank you.
  12. Viral mailers are great, I love them.
  13. There are some pretty good arguments "for" safelist and I must say I agree. Safelists DO work! Using safelists may not be the fastest way to build a list or earn rapid income, but they work. I believe that a part of working successfully with safelist is "branding" yourself. Don't just send people to your affiliate page or whatever else you are promoting. People need to see you -- a lot--- before they are comfortable joining your list or handing over their hard earned money.
  14. I too am quite fond of safelists, use them daily.
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